Greasers were very popular in the 1950's/60s. They had rock in roll in there blood practically along with style that was popular in higher crime rate neighborhoods. They Were also huge fans of hot rod cars, and funky music of the 1950s/60s
Popular toys from the 1960s
- Etch-a-Sketch
-Rock-em Sock-em Robots
-Easy Bake Oven
Popular bands of the 1960s
-The beach boys
-Rolling Stones
-The kinks
-the Beatles.
Slang words of the 1950/60s
-A Gas- to have great fun
-Ankle Biters- child or a baby
-bad- rad, awesome person
-book- leave, get out of the area.
-crash- go to bed, fall asleep.
Reasons why a teenager would join a gang in the 60s
-This person may want to exceed respect, or reputation of others to feel as if they are included and may want to be part of this, to be known, and have friends and respect for these people.
Popular t.v shows of the 60s
-The Andy Griffith Show
-Gilligans Island
-Beverly Hillbillies
- Brady Bunch
Prices of commonly used items in the 60s
-pack of cigarettes- .35
-bottle of soda- .15
-5 pounds of sugar-.38
-candy bar-.5