2016 Social Media Landscape
- Social Media News
- Top 10 for 2016
- Video
- Social Commerce
- Social Media Advertising
- Social Media Analytics
- My Favorite Tools
- Social Media Shoutouts
Did you know...
- Facebook Rolls Out Private Message Page Replies
- Snapchat Makes Adding People Easier With Profile URLs
- Facebook Rolls Out Audience Optimization for Publishers
- Periscope Broadcasts Live on Twitter for iOS
Social Media in 2016
- Visual Social Media
- Live Video
- Inbound Marketing: Using Social Media
- Communicate Live
- Facebook Ad Targeting
Social Media in 2016
- Instant Content
- Image Recognition for Monitoring Tools
- Adapting Strategy to Audience
- Pay for Traffic
- Private Social Media
Brands will need a visual strategy that works across their primary platforms, tailored for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.
Visual Social Media
- Modifying strategy
- Creating original content
- "Pinnable" - website & social
The best way to reach your audience and connect with them in 2016 will be to use videos and/or live-streaming tactics as a way to really connect in a more face-to-face way.
- Behind the scenes glimpses
- Special live event broadcasts
- Product releases
- Interviews
- Contests and rewards
Video conferencing, interviews, podcasting and working together will be a big social media trend next year.
Facebook recently rolled out new communication tools that allow Facebook pages to learn more about the people they are communicating with.
Keep users in the network by removing the hassle of visiting an external site, where traffic could be lost as users are exposed to distractions or affected by connectivity issues.
Brands can enter a search for their logo and Gaze will identify images that contain the logo.
social media was made for people, not brands
People Matter
- Influencer Marketing
- Employee Advocacy
- Social Selling
- Content Marketing
Google has PageRank. Facebook has EdgeRank. Twitter will have TweetRank and it will prioritize ads.
Pay without a huge budget
the most social of social activity is going to happen in two unique and private places: private groups and messaging apps.
- Snapchat has 100 million active daily users.
- 86% of Snapchat’s users fall into the 13 – 37 age range.
- 5+ billion videos are viewed on Snapchat each day.
Why analytics?
- Track your success
- See what's working
- Allocate your time wisely
- General ROI
- Learn more about your audience
- Relay
- Canva
- Social Mention
- Hootsuite
- Picmonkey
- Mailchimp