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Published on Nov 21, 2015

21 is a good movie, here are some basic archetypes in the film.



What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...
Photo by Justin in SD

Ben Campbell, a student at MIT is struggling to get money for med school at Harvard.

Ben Campbell - (Anti) Hero
He decides to leave his dead end job to count cards in Vegas to save money for Harvard

Micky Rosa - Mentor
Mr. Rosa is Ben's college professor, and introduces him to illegally counting cards

Crossing the Threshold - Ben leaves Boston and goes to Vegas and gets used to the lifestyle of money, and luxury

Photo by marcp_dmoz

Loyal Companions - The rest of the black jack club that goes to Vegas with Ben and Micky.

Color (Darkness) - Ben is led to a dark, pitch black room once he gets caught by security and that's where he meets his unknown enemy

There are quite a few archetypes in 21, it shows clear examples of how it follows the Hero's Journey