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25 creativity quotes to inspire innovation

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Need a little inspiration? The top 25 creativity quotes of all time. More quotes at blog.pgi.com!


25 creativity quotes

For Inspiration in Your Work-Life
Photo by Great Beyond

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep."
- Scott Adams

Photo by ecstaticist

"Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity."
- Bo Bennett

" Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found."
- James Russell Lowell

"Creativity takes courage."
- Henri Matisse

Photo by zilverbat.

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity."
- Charles Mingus

Photo by Alicia Lynn

"Anxiety is the handmaiden of creativity."
- T.S. Eliot

Photo by mortimer?

"Your ego can become an obstacle to your work. If you start believing in your greatness, it is the death of your creativity."
- Marina Abramovic

Photo by Will Montague

"The chief enemy of creativity is 'good' sense."
- Pablo Picasso

"Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas."
- Donatella Versace

Photo by ]babi]

"A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something."
- Frank Capra

Photo by wYnand!

"The heart and soul of the company is creativity and innovation."
- Bob Iger

Photo by scarletgreen

"Creativity makes a leap, then looks to see where it is."
- Mason Cooley

Photo by Will Montague

"Creative thinking - in terms of idea creativity - is not a mystical talent. It is a skill that can be practiced and nurtured."
- Edward de Bono

"Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected."
- William Plomer

"Artistic temperament sometimes seems a battleground, a dark angel of destruction and a bright angel of creativity wrestling."
- Madeleine L'Engle

Photo by JeremyMP

"Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm."
- Earl Nightingale

"Innovation is creativity with a job to do."
- John Emmerling

"Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. It is a process; it's not random."
- Ken Robinson

Photo by dangitstim

"Success is fickle, but creativity is a gift."
- Tommy Shaw

"If you hear a voice within you say, 'You cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."
- Vincent Van Gogh

“Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.”
– Salvador Dali

“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.”
– Leo Burnett

Photo by victor_nuno

You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.”
– Jack London

Photo by skoeber

“Think left and think right and think low and think high.
Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.”
– Dr. Seuss

Photo by Steve took it

"“Originality is nothing but judicious imitation.”
– Voltaire

Photo by Mark Fischer

“Creativity is a drug I cannot live without.”
– Cecil B. DeMille

Photo by marfis75

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.”
– Albert Einstein

More quotes at blog.pgi.com.