The three components of the health triangle are the physical, social, and mental sides. These three components consist of your overall healthy well being. When you think about health you think about eating right and being in shape. But those are only two factors to being healthy. Being healthy also consists of your mental well being, having friends, and staying positive.
The physical aspect of the health triangle consists of many components such as staying active, eating healthy foods, and staying your recommended weight. Exercising, and getting enough sleep are also factors that greatly affect your health. Another physical component is also how the function of the body works. It is highly recommended that you live a healthy lifestyle staying active and eating right. If you do so, your lifespan will definitely increase.
The social component regarding the Health triangle consists of many different aspects such as your relationship with others around you, having friends to communicate with, having relationships, and being part of your community. At first you may think being social has nothing to do with being healthy but you're wrong. Being healthy not only means being in shape, but also the different aspects which make you feel happy socially. Being healthy also means were you are socially happy with your friends and your surroundings. If you're depressed, unhappy, and not communicating with your friends, your health will worsen because you're isolating yourself from your peers.
The mental component regarding the Health triangle consists of many different aspects. These aspects are having a good self esteem, being in touch with your feelings, learning from your mistakes, and having a positive attitude. Accepting responsibility and using your mind to develop thinking skills are also examples of your mental health. Being mentally healthy is where you have a good state of mind, and where you're having good thoughts. You are not mentally healthy if you are having negative thoughts such as suicide.
To have a healthy ideal lifestyle, your health triangle must be kept balanced. A balanced Health triangle is where all three components are equally healthy, and there is no imbalance between them. This means that there is no component lacking the support it needs. Each component should be balanced equally. If one side of the component is imbalanced and not healthy, you do not have a balanced health triangle. For example, if your mental health is suffering while your physical health and social health are great, you have an imbalanced Health triangle. If your Health triangle is imbalanced, the lacking side will affect all of the other sides of the triangle.