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3 laws of Newton

Published on Feb 03, 2016

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3 laws of Newton

by, Julia N and Kylie T and Sophia R
Photo by A.Davey


  • when two objects rub together it creates friction.

Force is a push or pull to help move mass.

Photo by Lel4nd


Gravity is an attractive force that exists between all objects that have mass ;the greater the mass,the greater the gravity between the objects.

first law of motion (inertia)

An object at rest tends to stay at rest until an unbalanced force acts upon it.
Photo by paukrus

second law of motion [F=MxA]

it requires more force to move a larger mass
Photo by paukrus

third law of motion [action-reaction]

for ever action,there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Photo by paukrus

balanced forces

forces are equal but in opposite directions.
Photo by jev55

Air resistance is the frictional force between air and objects moving through it.

Photo by bealla

gravitational potential energy

energy an object possesses because of its position on a gravitational field
Photo by MikeBehnken

unbalanced forces

forces are unequal and cause an object to accelerate


speed in a particular direction [70 mph]

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Photo by felixtsao