3 Powerful Nutrients to Reverse Pain &Inflammation

Published on May 01, 2019

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3 Powerful Nutrients to Reverse Pain &Inflammation

(Even if you've been struggling for years)
Photo by PeterThoeny

This is not a rabbit hole that will expose some danger and then lead you to a shake or a supplement. I can’t stand that. I do not sell shakes or supplements because I believe that it would make me biased when working with clients.

Photo by Duchess Flux

When I work with my clients I want to be completely, 100% focused on them and what is BEST for them… not my retail sales goals.

Photo by rawpixel

Let me tell you about myself - Why I became CHN / My health Issues / Never intended to do this / need to share

So today I want to give you some real life, fabulous take-ways that DON’T benefit me at all. These takeaways will give you something to add to your grocery list today to help with pain and inflammation.

Photo by Bert Heymans

3 nutrients…

Do you want to learn to eat to heal? I’d like to invite you into a group of other individuals who are committed to the same. Click the link to the upper right and find out more about my Group YOU-based NUTRITION program where I take you through a comprehensive journey toward optimal health through nutrition.

Photo by Fey Ilyas

What does that mean to you? It means that we will combine the science, evidence based truth with Biblical truth in a way that resolves 90% or more of your current health issues at the ROOT of the problem. Most medicine is treating symptoms and designed so that you are entwined in a lifetime of “managing” your pain or illness.

Photo by Ben White

If you believe in medicine and doctors and that they are helping you then feel free to continue this route… however if you are someone who intuitively knows that man made pills are not the answer and will never provide you with the healing that you desire then I have developed this program specifically for you.

Photo by Martin Brosy

A group program where I take you on your journey to optimal health and provide you with the tools that you need to heal. We make small changes each week, or each month depending on the price point that is right for you. In this program I am there for you to guide you with strategic video modules helping you make small changes along the way, you have access to an exclusive social network of other individuals enrolled in this program, and are welcome to weekly group calls.

Photo by Emma Simpson

For those of you who want to work on a more intimate 1:1 level then for you I offer my Signature YOU-based NUTRITION program. This is a high end, premium nutrition program with everything mentioned above, plus 1:1 sessions every week for 12 weeks face to face in my zoom meeting room.

Photo by Eric Ward

Whatever you choose, I ask that you promise me one thing. Do not continue down the path that you are on if you have not begun reversing the issues that you are dealing with.

Click the link on the upper right for more specific details and links to get started on the plan that is best for you. I look forward to seeing you on the other side! ♥

Alison Cody

Haiku Deck Pro User