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3 religions

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by betta design

History of Islam
Islam is the second most popular religion with over a thousand million followers. They worship one god who created heaven and earth.

Place of Origin and Founder
Islam's place of origin is Saudi Arabia. And the founder is Adam .

Sacred text and Beliefs
The sacred text of Islam is the Qur'an. The beliefs of Muslims is in one God and that Muhammad was his messenger.

Ramadan- the ninth month on Muslims colander is Ramadan in this month they fast and can not eat anything before sundown.
Dhu Al-Hijja- this is a time were all Muslims should try to take a trip to Mecca
Al Hijra- The Islamic New Year begins on the day Muhammad left Mecca to travel to Medina.

Islam's place of worship
The place Islam's go to worship at is called a Mosque. The word means place of protection in Arabic.

The Star and Crescnt- this symbol is mainly supposed to mean Islam it is on Islam's flag.
The name "Allah"- Certain words in Arabic script or characters can be regarded as visually representing Islam

Photo by Rudy Herman

Life After Death
Muslims believe that after they die there will be a day of judgment were they get chosen for paradise or the devils house. They believe that until that day you will lay in your grave and right from when they die you will begin to taste your fate.



It is the biggest religion. It has about 2.2 billion followers. In it they worship Jesus Christ who lived about 2,000 years ago.

Photo by arbyreed

Place of Origin and Founder
Christianity place of origin is Israel. It's founder is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Photo by Fr Antunes

Sacred text and basic beliefs
The sacred text of Christianity is the holy bible
Full of stories of god. The beliefs of this religion is the belief in one god Jesus Christ.

Photo by pepe50

Culture and Customs
One thing Christians celebrate is Christmas this day is Jesus's Birthday.
Another holiday Christians celebrate is Easter this day is the day Jesus was resurrected and went up to heaven.

Photo by Mukumbura

Symbols for Christianianity
Some of the symbols of Christianity are the Cross is reminds us that Jesus died on the cross to save us. Another symbol is the dove it reminds us of the Holy Spirit and Peace. Another is the Fish it shows that you are a believer of God and Jesus.

Photo by magnuscanis

Worship Center for Christians
The worship center for Christians is a church another place is chapel.

Photo by Paco CT

After death
Christians believe that after you die if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior then you will be promised life for eternity in Heaven. If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your savior then you will go to the devils house.


Photo by Jeremy Vandel

History of Judaism
This religion was formed c. 2000 B.C.E. It has about 14,000,000 followers. In this religion they only believe in 1 god that created everything. Judaism is the oldest of the world's four biggest monotheistic religions

Photo by Dave_B_

Place Of Origin And Founder
The Founder is Abraham. It's Place of Origin is Israel

Photo by betta design

Sacred texts of Judaism and Beliefs
Torah- (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible). Jews belief in 1 god who created the earth And that they can all have a personal relashinshipp with him.

Photo by bartek.langer

Customs and culture
Kippah (a skull cap) is to remind you to always follow the rules of god.
Tallit (a prayer shawl) is to
Remind you of the many commandments.
Tefilin (small leather box with long leather straps attached) is to keep gods laws with all your heart and to concentrate on what the Torah teaches you.

Worship place
Jews worship in Synagogue. In them me are supposed to cover there heads.

Photo by Peer.Gynt

Symbols of Judaism
Star of David
Menorah- Symbolizes the burning bush Moses saw.
Mezuzah- Says they should always follow god and keep his rules

Photo by Steve Wilhelm

Jew believe that there is life after death. Some think they will be reincarnated in other lives. Some think they will be resurrected.