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30 Day Challenge

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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30 Day Challenge

Photo by paul bica

"For inn the images of God
have human beings been made."

Genesis 9:6

Photo by Pict-your

"Your grumbling is not against us, but against the Lord."
Exodus 16:8

Photo by gusdiaz

"Have no dread or fear of them. The Lord your God who goes before you, is the one who will fight for you."
Deuteronomy 1:29-

"We pledge our lives for yours."
Joshua 2:14

Photo by Rockies

"As I have done so has God repaid me."
Judges 1:7

"Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God."
Ruth 1:16

"There is no Holy one like the Lord; there is no rock like our God."
Samuel 2:2

Photo by WherezJeff

"LORD, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below--you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way."
1 Kings 8:23

Photo by amira_a

"Give thanks to the Lord, who is good, who's love endures forever."
Chronicles 17:34

"Once again they cried out to you, and you heard them from heaven
and delivered them according to your mercy, many times over."
Nehemiah 9:28

"It is not good for man to be alone."
Tobit 8:6

Photo by AndyNugent

"She who praises the heartfelt counsel of a friend is a sweet as perfume and incense. "
Judith 27:9

"As her glory had been great, so great was his dishonor."
Maccabees 1:40

"How painful honest words can be."
Job 7:25

"My faithfulness will stand as long as the heaven's"
Psalm 89:3

Photo by tdlucas5000

"Yet when I stumble, they gathered with glee"
Psalm 35:15

Photo by szeke

"Blessed the one concerned for the poor"
Psalm 41:2

Photo by Ed Yourdon

"Here my cry oh God
Listen to my prayer"
Psalm 61:2

"Blessed is the Lord, who did not leave us, to be torn by their teeth"
Psalm 124:6

Photo by Lawrence OP

"Why did I not listen to the voice of my teachers"
Psalm 6:13

"Wisdom cries aloud in the street"
Proverbs 1:20

"To my sayings incline your ear"
Proverbs 5:20

Photo by highersights

"He has success in store for the upright"
Proverbs 2:7

Photo by inallyourways

"For the Lord gives wisdom"
Proverbs 2:6

Photo by aldrin_muya

"You are beautiful in every way my friend"
Song of Songs 4:7

"For I am your servant"
Wisdom 9:5

"Do good to the righteous and reward will be yours"
Sirach 12:2

"The Lord of host has planned it."
Isaiah 23:9

Photo by szeke

"You God are my fortress, my loving God"
Psalm 58:10

Photo by quixpeed