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30 Day Challenge

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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30 Day Challenge

by: Justine Umfleet
Photo by Werner Kunz

"When Issac was so old that his eyesight had failed him, he called his older brother Esau and said to him "Son", "Yes Father"."
Gn 27:1
day 1

Photo by anieto2k

"You shall order the Israelites to bring you clear oil of crushed olives, to be used for the light, so that you may keep lamps burning regularly."
Ex 27:30
day 2

Photo by nestor galina

"This is the law which Moses set before the Israelites."
Dt 4:44
day 3

Photo by Jims_photos

"At that time Joshua summoned the Reubenites, the Gadits, and half the tribe of Manasen."
Jos 22:1
day 4

Photo by kevin dooley

"Then Jerubbaol, son of Joash, went back home to stay."
Jgs 8:29
day 5

Photo by chefranden

"Naomi had a prominent kingsman named boaz, of the clan of her husband Elimelech."
Ru 2:1
day 6

Photo by joiseyshowaa

"Sometime later the king of the Ammonites died and his son Hanun succeeded him as king."
Sm 10:1
day 7

At that time Abjan son of Jeroboam, took sick
1kgs 14:1
day 8

Photo by Koshyk

"At that time Abjan son of Jeroboam, took sick."
1kgs 14:1
day 8

Photo by Koshyk

"David reigned over all Israel and dispensed justice and right to all of his people."
1Chr 18:14
day 9

Photo by Jason OX4

"The wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of Elul; it had taken fifty-two days."
Neh 6: 15
day 10

Photo by thebeanblog

"When they had entered Media and were getting close to Banter."
Tb 6:10
day 11

Photo by andyarthur

"The widowed Judith remained there three years and four months at home."
Jdt 8:4
day 12

Photo by KKfromBB

"While they were reading this letter, suddenly other messengers, in torn clothes, arrived from Galilee to deliver a similar message."
1Mc 5:14
day 13

"Should not the man of many words be answered,or must the garrulous man necessarily be right."
Jb 11:2
day 14

"Lest my enemy say,"I have prevailed", lest my foes rejoice at my downfall."
Ps 13:5
day 15

"You hate those who serve worthless idols, but I have trust in the lord."
Ps 31:7
day 16

Photo by rogiro

"Now we see no signs, we have no prophets, no one who knows how long."
Ps 74:9
day 17

Photo by Chandoo

"Lord of hosts, how long will you burn with anger while your people pray."
Ps 80:5
day 18

Photo by JefferyTurner

"They are like a breath, their days are like a passing shadow."
Ps 144:4
day 19

Photo by -Reji

See how long for your precepts; in your justice give me life
Ps 119:40
day 20

Photo by stevec77

"See how long for your precepts; in your justice give me life."
Ps 119:40
day 20

Photo by stevec77

"Turn, lord, save my life; in your mercy rescue me."
Ps 6:5
day 21

Photo by -Reji

"Give no sleep to your eyes, nor slumber to your eyelids."
Prv 6:4
day 22

Photo by mac.rj

"When pride comes, disagree comes; but with the humble of wisdom."
Prz 11:2
day 23

Photo by ecstaticist

"A mild answer clams wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
Prv 15:1
day 24

"Haughtly eyes and a prowd heart the village of the wicked sin."
Prv 21:4
day 25

Photo by liquidnight

"Like a roaring lion or a ravenous bear is a wicked ruler over poor people."
Prv 28:15
day 26

Untitled Slide

"Your cheek is like a half- pomegranate behind your veil."
Sng 6:7
day 27

Photo by marfis75

"For your imperishable is in spirit in all things."
Wis 12:1
day 28

Photo by Rk Rao

"The just man's sacrifice is most pleasing, nor will be forgotten."
Sir 35:6
day 29

Photo by istolethetv

The just man's sacrifice is most pleasing, nor will be forgotten
Sir 35:6
day 29

Photo by istolethetv

"Pass over to Tarnish, wailing, you who dwell on the coast."
Is 23:6
day 30

Photo by Doy-lee