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30 Day Challenge

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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30 Day Challenge


Genesis 3:19
"By the sweat of your face shall you get bread to eat, until you return to the ground, from which you were taken, for you are dirt, and dirt you shall return.

Photo by Etrusia UK

Book of Exodus 2:16-17
"A kidnapper, whether he sells his victim or still has him when caught shall be put to death. Whoever curses his father or mother, shall be put to death."

Photo by Anna & Michal

Deuteronomy 23:1
"A man shall not marry his fathers wife, nor shall he dishonor his fathers bed."

Photo by Stuartw_

Joshua 23:10-11
"One of your men shall put to fight a thousand because it is the Lord your God, himself who fights for you as he promised you."

Photo by cobalt123

Judges 5:9
"My heart is with the leaders of Israel nobles of the people, bless the Lord!"

Photo by mindfulness

Samuel 25:24
"As she fell at his feet she said, My Lord let the blame be mine, please let your handmade speak to you, & listen to the words of your handmade."

Photo by Thomas Hawk

1 Kings 10:7
"Though I did not believed the report until I came & saw with my own eyes, I have discovered they were not telling me the half. Your wisdom & prosperity surpass the report I heard."

Photo by V. Sharma

1 Chronicles 29:13
"Therefore, our God, we give you thanks and praise the majesty of your name."

Photo by Captain Chaos

Nehemiah 4:4
"Meanwhile the Judases were saying, Slackened is the bearers' strength there is no end to the rubbish, never shall we be able the wall to be rebuild."

Photo by Bhope34

Tobit 13:12
"Accursed are all who speak a harsh word against you; accursed are all who destroy you & pull down your walls, & all who overthrow your towers, & set fire to your homes; but forever blessed are those who build you up."

Photo by Chris Yarzab

Judith 8:16
"It is not for you to make the Lord our God give surety for his plans, God isn't man, he should move by threats nor human that he may be given an ultimatum"

1 Maccabees 14:12-13
"Every man sat under his fig tree, with no one to disturb him. No one was left to attack them in their land; the kings in those days were crushed."

Photo by M Kuhn

Job 7:16
I waste away; I cannot live forever; let me alone for my day are not but a breath."

Psalms 89:46
"You cut short the days of his youth, covered him with shame."

Photo by jasohill

Psalms 56:6
"All the day they foil my plans, their every thought is of evil against me."

Photo by vasanthcullen

Psalms 50:10
"For every animal of the forest is mine, beasts by the 1000 on mountains."

Photo by blmiers2

Psalms 31:11
"My life is worn out by sorrow my years by sighing. My strength fails in affliction. My bones are consumed."

Photo by -Reji

Psalms 32:7
"You're my shelter, my distress you keep me. With safety you ring around me."

Photo by Vvillamon

Psalms 26:3
"No one is disgraced who waits for you, but only those who lightly break faith."

Photo by David Kracht

Book of Proverbs 8:17
"Those who love me I also love & those who seek me, find me."

Book of Proverbs 10:12
"Hatred stirs up disputes, but love covers all offenses."

Photo by rishibando

Book of proverbs 22:22
"Injure not the poor because they are poor, nor crush the needy at the gate."

Photo by jenny downing

Proverbs 10:11
"A fountain of life is the mouth of the just, but the mouth of the wicked conceals of violence."

Photo by harold.lloyd

Proverbs 13:3
"He who guards his mouth protects his life; to open wide ones lips brings down fall."

Photo by drubuntu

Song of Songs 3:1
"On my bed at night, I sought him, whom my heart loves- I sought him but I didn't find him"

Photo by VinothChandar

Wisdom 19:20
"Fire in the water maintained it's own strength & water forgot it's quenching thirst."

Photo by zetson

Book of Isaiah 25:9
"They no longer drink wine & sing; strong brew is bitter to those who drink it"

Photo by ecstaticist

Book of Sirach 39:25
"Good things for the good he provided from the beginning, but for the wicked good thing & bad."

Photo by Neal.

Psalms 4:3
"How long will you people mock my honor, love what is worthless,
chase after lies."

Photo by liber