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30 Day Challenge

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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30 Day Challenge


God created man in his own image, in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them
Gn 1:27

Photo by jlinczak

The lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, the God of Jacob. This is my name forever, this is title for all generations.
Ex 3:15

Every command that I enjoin on you, you shall be careful to observe neither adding from it nor subtracting from it.
Dt 13:1

Photo by Ríona

Acknowledge with your whole heart & soul that not one of the promises the Lord, your God, has made to you has remained unfilled. Every promise has been fulfilled for you, without a single exception.
Jos 23:14

Photo by ditatompel

Our God has delivered into our power our enemy, the ravager of our land, the one who has multiplied our slain.
Jgs 16:24

Photo by abusx

May the Lord reward what you have done! May you receive a full reward from the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge.
Ru 2:12

Photo by Swamibu

My heart exalts in the Lord, my horn is exulted in my God.
Sm 2:1

I see all of Israel scattered on the mountains, like sheep without a shepherd and the Lord saying "These have no Master" Let each of them go home in peace.
1Kgs 22:17

Photo by Horia Varlan

Peace, peace to you, & peace to him who helps you; your God it is it who helps you.
1Chr 12:19

Photo by live w mcs

Anse, bless the Lord, your God from eternity to Eternity.
Neh 9:5

Photo by Jean Jader

Blessed be God who lives forever, because his kingdom lasts for all ages
Tb 13:1

God is not man that he should be moved by threats, nor human that he may be moved by an ultimatum.
Jdt 8:16

Jerusalem was uninhabited, like a desert; not one of her children entered or came out of it.
1Mc 3:45

I will give myself up to complaint; I will speak from the bitterness of my soul.
Jb 10:1

Photo by Werner Kunz

Happy those who do not follow the counsel of the wicked, nor go the way of sinners.
Ps 1:1

Photo by *sax

When I am afraid I will put my trust in you.
Ps 56:3

Photo by rogiro

My flesh & my heart may fall, but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever.
Ps 73:6

Photo by j3ssl33

The Lord is my light & my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the shronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
Ps 27:1

Photo by Alesa Dam

Surly goodness & mercy shall follow me all the days of my life & I shall dwell in the house of the lord forever.
Ps 23:8

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Ps 19:105

Surly I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
Ps 51:5

Photo by rgmcfadden

Above all else guard your heart, for every thing you do flows from it.
Prv 4:23

Photo by {AndreaRenee}

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Prv 4:13

Photo by Thomás

Some friends bring ruin on us, but a true friend is more loyal than a brother.
Prv 18:24

As water reflects a man's face, so a mans heart reflects the man.
Prv 27:19

Photo by Rene Mensen

The human heart plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.
Prv 16:9

Photo by Seryo

I was sleeping, but my heart was kept vigil.
Sng 5:1

Photo by disparkys

The beginning of wisdom is the most sincere desire for instruction.
Wis 6:17

Photo by *vlad*

The faithful friend is a secure refuge; whoever has found one has found a treasure.
Sir 6:12

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Is 9:6

Photo by marcp_dmoz

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19

I will walk by faith even when I can not see
- 2 Corinthians 5:7

Nothing can stop God's plan for your life.
Isaiah 14:27