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30 Day Challenge

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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30 Day Challenge

Photo by Roby Ferrari

Gn 1:1-2
In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters.

Photo by KelseyFaust

Ex 3:4
When the lord saw him coming over to look at the burning bush, God called from the bush, "Moses! Moses!" He answered "Here I am."

Photo by Alan Denney

Jos 8:30
Later Joshua built an altar to the lord, the God of Israel, on Mount Ebal.

Photo by jacilluch

Jgs 8:9
That night the lord said to Gideon "Go, descend on the camp, for I have delivered it up to you.

Photo by Zach Dischner

Ru 4:22
Obed was the father of Jesse, and Jesse became the father of David.

Photo by anieto2k

Sm 14:35
Saul built an altar to the lord - this was the first time he built an altar to the lord.

Photo by Nazianzus

Kgs 18:8
"Yes," he answered. "Go tell you master, Elijah is here!"

Chr 17:15
All these words and this whole vision Nathan related exactly to David.

Photo by harold.lloyd

Neh 4:15
Thus we went on with the work, half of the men with spears at the ready, from day break till the stars came out.

Tb 11:1
Then they left and began their return journey. When they were near Kaserin; just before Nineveh.

Photo by skoeber

Jdt 9:8
"You, the lord, crush warfare; Lord is your name.

Photo by K-putt

Mc 16:41
As the King ordered, he fortified Kedron and stationed horsemen and infantry there, so that they could go out and patrol the roads of Judea.

Photo by karstensfotos

Jb 8:3
Does God prevent judgement, and does the Almighty distort justice?

Photo by skambalu

Ps 41:4
My tears have been my food, day, and night.

Photo by frankieleon

Ps 64:6
You answer us with awesome deeds of justice, O God our savior. The hope of all the ends of the earth and of far distant islands.

Photo by gnuckx

Ps 95:1
Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD; cry out the rock of our salvation

Photo by felixtsao

Ps 108:2
My heart is steadfast, God; my heart is steadfast. I will sing and chant praise.

Photo by @YannGarPhoto

Ps 108:5
For your love towers to the heavens; your faithfulness, to the skies

Ps 148:12
Glorify the Lord, Jerusalem; Zion, offer praise to your God.

Ps 150:6
Let everything that has breath give praise to the Lord : Hallelujah.

Photo by Ranger56112

Prv 13:1
A wise son loves correction, but the senseless one heeds no rebuke.

Photo by Halans

Prv 17:1
Better a dry crust with peace than a house full of feasting with strife.

Prv 20:1
Wine is arrogant, strong drink is riotous; none who goes astray for it is wise.

Photo by hlkljgk

Prv 27:1
Boast not of tomorrow, for you know not what any day may bring forth.

Photo by frozen stills

Prv 31:31
Give her a reward of her labors, and let her works praise her at the city gate.

Sg 2:12
For the King's banquet my hard gives forth its fragrance.

Photo by brianjmatis

Wis 8:1
Indeed, she reaches from end to end mightily and governs all things well.

Sir 14:1
Happy man whose mouth brings him no grief, who is not stung by remorse for sin.

Photo by ajagendorf25

Is 32:1
See, a King will reign justly and princes will rule rightly.

Dt 6:4
Hear, O Israel! The lord is our God, the lord alone!

Photo by vanil.noir

Psalm 19:2
Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.

Photo by Halans