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4 week workout plan

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Warming up for the workout:
Before even starting a workout you should make sure you do some stretches so you don't strain your muscles or injure your self.
Basic stretches: 30 seconds each one.
- hamstring stretch
-butterfly hip stretch
-lying quad stretch
-calf stretch
-shoulder stretch
-triceps stretch

Photo by Elvert Barnes

This workout works 5 different areas of the body, it builds you up adding 10 more reps to each work out every week you do it.
The workout days would as follow
Monday (day one)
Tuesday (day two)
Wednesday (rest but stretch)
Thursday (day three)
Friday (day four)
Saturday (day five)
Sunday (rest but stretch)

Photo by geirarne

Warming up to the workout and getting used to it.
Day 1: Quads
10x each: squats, lunges (each side), one legged squats, box jumps
Day 2: Butt and Hamstrings
10x each: hip raises, dead lifts, straight leg dead lifts, step ups
Day 3: Push (chest, shoulders, triceps)
10x each: overhead press, bench press, incline dumbbell press, push ups, dips.
Day 4: Pull (back, biceps,and fore arms)
10x each: chin ups, pull ups,inverse body weight, dumbbell rows
Day 5: Core and lower back
30 second plank and side plank 10 exercise ball crunchesu, mountain climbers, jumping knee tucks, hanging leg raises


Day 1: Quads
20x each: squats, lunges (each side), one legged squats, box jumps
Day 2: Butt and Hamstrings
20x each: hip raises, dead lifts, straight leg dead lifts, step ups
Day 3: Push (chest, shoulders, triceps)
20x each: overhead press, bench press, incline dumbbell press, push ups, dips.
Day 4: Pull (back, biceps,and fore arms)
20x each: chin ups, pull ups,inverse body weight, dumbbell rows …

Photo by hectorir


Day 1: Quads
30x each: squats, lunges (each side), one legged squats, box jumps
Day 2: Butt and Hamstrings
30x each: hip raises, dead lifts, straight leg dead lifts, step ups
Day 3: Push (chest, shoulders, triceps)
30x each: overhead press, bench press, incline dumbbell press, push ups, dips.
Day 4: Pull (back, biceps,and fore arms)
30x each: chin ups, pull ups,inverse body weight, dumbbell rows
Day 5: Core and lower back
30 second plank and side plank 10 exercise ball crunchesu, mountain climbers, jumping knee tucks, hanging leg raises

Photo by istolethetv


Day 1: Quads
40x each: squats, lunges (each side), one legged squats, box jumps
Day 2: Butt and Hamstrings
40x each: hip raises, dead lifts, straight leg dead lifts, step ups
Day 3: Push (chest, shoulders, triceps)
40x each: overhead press, bench press, incline dumbbell press, push ups, dips.
Day 4: Pull (back, biceps,and fore arms)
40x each: chin ups, pull ups,inverse body weight, dumbbell rows
Day 5: ytgftyyytCore and lower back
30 second plank and side plank 10 exercise ball crunchesu, mountain climbers, jumping knee tucks, hanging leg raises

Photo by Chapendra

The thing about this workout out, we'll honestly any workout you do is you're not gonna see progress right away so even when the 4 weeks is up continue it takes 3 months for everyone around you to notice a difference in your appearance keep adding 10 to the reps each week don't give up keep going even when the workout plan stops you don't.

Photo by The U.S. Army