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4.4 Protecting Resources : Notes

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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4.4 Protecting Resources : Notes

By: Vanessa Ward 

Keeping Water Clean and Safe

  • Starting in the 1970's the governement passed several laws to prevent or decrese pollution protect resources.
  • In 1972 the U.S. Congress passed the Clean Water Act (CWA).
  • The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 help protect drinking sources.
Photo by Micah Taylor

Protecting the Air

  • In 1970, Congress passed the Clean Air Act, the nation's most important air pollutiion law.
  • It established National Ambient Air Quality Standards for six criteria pollutants known to cause health problems-carbon monoxide, ozone, Lead, Sulfur dixodie, Nirtrogen oxides, and particulates (fine particles).
  • Todays power plants and motor vehicles use pollution control devices to reduce or elimate certain byproducts of fossil fuel combustion.
Photo by ecstaticist

Caring For Land Resources

  • Protecting Land Resourcses involves preventing pollution and managing land resources wisely.
  • Farmers, loggers, manufacturers, and individuals can all take steps to care for land rosourecs
  • Not always planting and letting the land rest for while.
Photo by Serithian