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There are 26 books that students can read. They will then compete in teams - 5 per class - to answer questions about the books.
Round 1 - which book?
Round 2 - in this book...
Round 3 - in this book
mystery object
relate the book to the quote
Round 4 - winning teams from each class
mix of question types
mystery object
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4th Grade Battle Books

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Read as many as you can to help your team answer questions
There are 26 books that students can read. They will then compete in teams - 5 per class - to answer questions about the books.
Round 1 - which book?
Round 2 - in this book...
Round 3 - in this book
mystery object
relate the book to the quote
Round 4 - winning teams from each class
mix of question types
mystery object
Photo by AMC | Photo


Lots of interests, lots of levels
Notice the Lexile and Reading Levels
try to read one in your range
then read easier books
finally challenge yourself

find books that interest you so you will remember the information and make connections
Photo by » Zitona «


Talk about the books you read
create note cards with the title and author

Every book needs to be read by SOMEONE
You should try to have more than one person read each bok


Divide up the books, make some goals
Go through the list and have the captain write down who will read each book.
Everyone must read at least 3 but you can make other goals.
Photo by Bitman


Runt, Silverwing
Runt - Deep in the Minnesota woods, four normal sized pups—Leader, Sniffer, Runner, and Thinker—are born to a wolf pack.
Then comes one last, very small pup. For him there is no name but Runt. Runt struggles to learn the ways of the wild alongside his brothers and sisters but often makes mistakes, many of them serious. In the book, he discovers his place in the pack.

Silverwing - Shade Silverwing is the runt of the colony, and he lives a life of darkness, as bats were not allowed to see the sun due to an ancient battle. Shade takes a dare from another young Silverwing bat, and takes a peek at the sun. Unfortunately, he is spotted by a deadly owl, and barely escapes with his life.
Enraged, the owl colonies burn his haven with hidden fire. Forced to migrate early for hibernation, Shade's colony flies to safety, but during the migration, a massive storm sweeps Shade away from his colony and safety. Landing on an island, he meets Marina, a young female bat exiled from her colony because of a mysterious silver band on her wing. Set on finding his colony, Shade sets off with his new friend, dodging hostile owls and pigeons, and flying away from the deadly vampirum spectrum bats, Goth and Throbb.


Free Throw, Heat, Honus and Me
Free Throw - Basketball player, Derek Phelps can’t wait for the season to start. He’s taller than he was last year so the coach is going to make him the center this year. Unfortunately, Jason, who was the center last year, is not thrilled with this decision. He shows some poor sportsmanship, refusing to pass to Derek and giving him a hard time for every mistake he makes. He has plenty of chances too because Derek can’t seem to make his free throws. Derek practices hard, though and is determined to do better.

Heat - Michael Arroyo grows up in the shadows of hallowed Yankee Stadium, a boy forever on the outside looking in. His only chance to see his field of dreams? Pitch his Bronx all-star team to the district finals and a shot at the Little League World Series.
But there is a problem. Michael is good-too good. Rival coaches and players can't believe a boy could be this good and be only twelve years old. And Michael has no way to prove it-no mother, no father, and a birth certificate that is stuck home in his native Cuba. If the people from social services find out his secret, he will have an even worse problem: being separated from the only family he knows, his older brother Carlos. Baseball can be a game of heroes, of champions who refuse to lose. Or it can be a field of crushed dreams. For one boy, the game is about to turn serious.

Honus and Me - Joe Stoshack lives for baseball. He knows everything there is to know about the game -- except how to play well. His specialty is striking out. Stosh feels like a real loser, and when he takes a low-paying job cleaning a bunch of junk out of his neighbor's attic, he feels even worse -- until he comes across a little piece of cardboard that takes his breath away. His heart is racing. His brain is racing. He can hardly believe his eyes. Stosh has stumbled upon a T-206 Honus Wagner -- the most valuable baseball card in the world! And he's about to find out that it's worth a lot more than money....
Photo by arturodonate


  • Midnight For Charlie Bone
  • Key to the Treasure
Midnight for Charlie Bone -
charlie doesn't want to believe it when he can hear people speaking through their photographs. But his aunts are happy because it means he is one of the chosen ones. charlie is sent to a special school that is filled with hidden secrets and mysterious rooms, so charlie must use his brains as well as his powers to escape from Dr. Bloor

Key to the Treasure - Each summer Lisa, Bill, and Jed visit their grandparents, and they hear the story of the sketches hung above the mantel. The sketches are clues to a hidden treasure, and no one has been able to figure them out for a century. There is a missing first clue, but when the children stumble upon the second clue, they're on their way. Could it be that on this visit they will solve the secret that has eluded so many for more than a hundred years?
Photo by Avatrix


  • Frindle
  • The Year of Miss Agnes
  • Flying Solo
  • No More Dead Dogs
Flying Solo - When the substitute for Mr. Fabiano's sixth grade class calls in sick, her message is misplaced in the hectic office, and the children find themselves without a teacher. Rather than tell anyone, the students decide to run the class themselves. They know the schedule -- who needs adults? "What could possibly happen? As they bicker their way through the day they achieve, almost in spite of themselves, something they're proud of, though their parents and school are horrified by what they have done.

Frindle - Fifth grader Nick Allen knows just how to make school more cool . After learning about the origins of words, he decides to change the word pen to frindle . At first, it seems like a harmless prank, a way to annoy his dictionary-obsessed teacher. Then the whole class starts using the new word, and the joke spreads across town like wildfire. Suddenly Nick finds himself in the middle of a media frenzy over frindle. Will Nick emerge from the controversy a troublemaker or a hero?

The Year of Miss Agnes-
It's 1948in a small Indian fishing village in far out Alaska. Every year the village gets a new teacher for their one room school house. With the arrival of Miss Agnes comes a new view of education and the world is opened up for these children who never attend school for a whole year. First thing she does is put away all of the textbooks teaching them to read using homemade books about themselves and their lives. Math is all about learning how to sell things and not get cheated. The school year is not without tension. Will Mama stay angry at Miss Agnes for trying to teach everyone sign language so they can communicate with Bokko, Mama's deaf daughter? Who will take Miss Agnes' place at the end of the year?

No More Dead Dogs

Eighth grade football hero Wallace will not tell a lie. So when called upon to do a book report on Old Shep, My Pal, yet another book featuring a dog that ultimately dies, he candidly tells his teacher how much he hated the book. As a result, his teacher, who happens to be directing the play version of the book, makes Wallace attend play rehearsals with the hope of changing his opinion. The whole school is upset that their football hero is forced to do time with the Drama Club rather than be out the field. Wallace, on the other hand, is finding that the drama club is not such a bad place to be and begins to make suggestions to help improve the play. Lines are added, and soon the play has evolved into something spectacularly different and unexpected.


  • The Tale of Despereaux
  • The Blind Men and the Elephant
  • Spy Cat
  • Superfudge
  • Little Hawk's New Name
Tale of Despereaux - Welcome to the story of Despereaux Tilling, a mouse who is in love with music, stories, and a princess named Pea. It is also the story of a rat called Roscuro, who lives in the darkness and covets a world filled with light. And it is the story of Miggery Sow, a slow-witted serving girl who harbors a simple, impossible wish.

These three characters are about to embark on a journey that will lead them down into a horrible dungeon, up into a glittering castle, and, ultimately, into each other's lives.

The Blind Men and the Elephant
Six blind men have learned about the world through sound and touch. When the prince gets an elephant, the men decide to go to the palace and touch it. How is it they come up with such different impressions of what an elephant is like? One man feels the side, one the trunk, one the tusk, one the ear, one the tail, and one the leg. They argue among themselves until the wise prince kindly tells them that they are all right, but that each man has felt only a part of the elephant. They just need to put their heads — and all the parts — together.

Spy Cat - Pete the cat can't actually talk to his owner, Alex, but he's a crime-solving cat, and he knows when things aren't right. And now, Pete knows something is wrong. Someone's been breaking into houses in the neighborhood, and they're not just stealing people's property — they're kidnapping pets!

When the burglars come to Alex's house, they nab Pete! Lucky for Pete, Alex's brother, Benjie, comes to the rescue, but gets himself kidnapped by the thieves. Can Pete and Alex uncover the clues and rescue Benjie?

Super fudge
He knows a lot of big words, but he doesn’t know where babies come from. He’s never heard of a stork, but he plans to be a bird when he grows up. He’s Superfudge, otherwise known as Farley Drexel Hatcher. And, according to his older brother Peter, the biggest pain ever invented. Among other things.

As fans of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing already know, nothing is simple for Peter Hatcher. He is far from overjoyed at the turn the family fortunes are taking. It looks as if Peter will be spending the sixth grade far from Central Park, Sheila Tubman, Jimmy Fargo, and Henry the doorman. (He won’t miss Sheila). And it also looks as if Fudge will no longer be the baby of the family. How will Peter ever survive if his new sibling is a carbon copy of Fudge? This is the second book in Judy Blume series about Peter, his brother Fudge and all of their fun adventures with their friends.

Little Hawks New Name
This is a year of great change for Little Hawk - Grandfather is going to let him choose a new horse. Not only that but Little Hawk will receive a new name as well. Great story filled with adventure and courage of a young Indian boy.
Photo by jonoakley


  • Keep the Lights Burning,Abbie
  • It's All Greek to Me
  • The Drinking Gourd
  • When the Soldiers Were Gone
  • The Kite Fighters
Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie
In the winter of 1856, a storm delays the lighthouse keeper's return to an island off the coast of Maine, and his daughter Abbie must keep the lights burning by herself.

It's All Greek to Me -
Joe, Fred, and Sam are horsing around during their school play—which they wrote themselves—about the ancient deities of Greece. When a cardboard thunderbolt accidently hits the magic blue book stashed in Joe’s backpack, the three boys are transported back to ancient Greece—or so they think. When they meet some of the wisecracking gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus, they realize they’ve been transported to the fictionalized Greece of their play, complete with dialogue they wrote using “The Book of Snappy Insults.”

The Drinking Gourd
The stars of the Big Dipper have led a runaway slave family to Deacon Fuller's house, a stop on the Underground Railroad. Will Tommy Fuller be able to hide the runaways from a search party—or will the secret passengers be discovered and their hope for freedom destroyed?

This is a captivating first-person historical fiction account of the Underground Railroad, narrated by Tommy, a ten year-old Quaker boy,. With beautiful, simple prose that folds in historical facts about slavery and the Civil War, this book makes this important period of American history accessible to beginning readers. Includes an afterword from the author F.N. Monjo that explains the historical context of the Fugitive Slave Law.

When the Soldiers Were Gone
Henk was hidden on the farm when he was young and the Nazi soldiers came. But the war is over now, and Henk finds out that the people he lives with, the people he loves, are not his real family. He doesn't remember his real parents, and now a new life in the city lies ahead of him. Will things ever be the same?

The Kite Fighters - In Seoul, Korea, in 1473, Young-sup and his older brother Kee-sup are excited about the New Year kite competition. Young-sup is an expert at kite flying. He knows just what his kite wants him to do. Kee-sup has trouble handling his kite, but can build and design a kite fit for a king.

Each brother knows his own talents as they practice together for the New Year kite-fighting competition. But according to tradition, Kee-sup, the first-born , must represent the family. Young-sup knows he must help his older brother and stay in second place. But that doesn't stop him from hoping for the chance to show his great skill as a kite fighter.


Love Ruby Lavender, Ivy and Bean
Love Ruby Lavender - The story takes place Halleluia, Mississippi where Ruby Lavender and her grandmother, Miss Eula, rescue chickens from an egg ranch that is being sold. Soon after, Miss Eula tells Ruby that she is going to visit her son (Ruby’s uncle) and new baby granddaughter in Hawaii to get away from her sorrow over Grandpa Garnet’s death. Ruby is devastated. She can’t imagine life in Halleluia without her beloved Grandma, and she is worried that Miss Eula will like her new granddaughter better and never come back. While Miss Eula is away, Ruby promises to watch over the three chickens they rescued and the three eggs one of them laid. She also writes hysterical and heartfelt letters to her grandmother, asking her to come back and filling her in on all the happenings in Halleluia.

Ivy and Bean

The moment they saw each other, Bean and Ivy knew they wouldn't be friends. But when Bean plays a joke on her sister, Nancy, and has to hide quickly Ivy comes to the rescue, proving that sometimes the best of friends are people never meant to like each other. Vibrant characters and lots of humor make this a charming and addictive introduction to Ivy and Bean.
Photo by Vijay..


Stranded, Among the Hidden, How to Steal a Dog
Stranded -Koby’s whole life changed after the accident four years ago. Between the smothering concern of her separated parents and the awkward glances from the kids at school, Koby only feels at home when she is on the ocean in her dinghy. That all changes when she rescues two dying pilot whales. Day after day, she visits the whales as they begin their long road to recovery. She finds a new friend in Dr. Tracy Michaels, a veterinarian, and gains the admiration of her classmates. But most importantly, Koby starts to recognize her own strength and courage.

Among the Hidden - Luke Garner, a twelve-year-old child, lives on a farm with his mother, father, and two brothers, Matthew and Mark. In the society Luke lives in, third children are illegal. As a third child, Luke must spend his days without being seen by the public. Luke meets another third child, named Jen, and she leads a rally against the population law,

How to Steal a Dog
Half of me was thinking, Georgina, don’t do this. Stealing a dog is just plain wrong. The other half of me was thinking, Georgina, you’re in a bad fix and you got to do whatever it takes to get yourself out of it.

Georgina Hayes is desperate. Ever since her father left and they were evicted from their apartment, her family has been living in their car. With her mama juggling two jobs and trying to make enough money to find a place to live, Georgina is stuck looking after her younger brother, Toby. And she has her heart set on improving their situation. When Georgina spots a missing-dog poster with a reward of five hundred dollars, the solution to all her problems suddenly seems within reach. All she has to do is “borrow” the right dog and its owners are sure to offer a reward. What happens next is the last thing she expected.
Photo by Stephie189


See you at the Battles!
Photo by Arria Belli