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5 Key Ideas

Published on Feb 02, 2020

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5 Key Ideas

A summary of the evidence of Inclusive Education

5 Key ideas

  • Salamanca Statement
  • Benefits of inclusive education for non-disabled students
  • Benefits of inclusive education for students with disabilities
  • Teachers roles in inclusive education
  • Effective inclusion of students with special needs

Salamanca Statement

  • In 1994 the UNESCO world conference on special needs education issued a consensus report on education of children with special needs
  • This resulted in the Salamanca Statement
  • Signed by representatives of 92 countries, stating "those with special educational needs must have access to regular schools.”
  • Affirmed that inclusive schools were the most effective means of combating discriminatory attitudes

Benefits of Inclusive ed. for non disabled

  • Academically: in most cases the impacts on on disabled students being educated in an inclusive classroom are either neutral or positive
  • A researches from University of Manchester found that non disabled students either experienced no effects 58% and 23% of students experienced positive effects

benefits for students with SPECIAL needs

  • Included students with disabilities academically out preform segregated students
  • On average students with disabilities who spent a larger proportion of their school day with their non-disabled peers preformed significantly better on language and math than students who spent less time around students without disabilities
  • Students with disabilities who took more classes in general education settings had better reading comprehension and a higher level of performance on tests of mathematical skills when compared to segregated students

Teachers roles in Inclusive education

  • Teachers with positive attitudes towards inclusion are more likely to adapt the way they work to benefit all of their students
  • In an Australian study students found that teacher attitudes were crucial to success in inclusive practice

Effective Inclusion:students w/down SYNDROME

  • Research concludes that students that children with Down Syndrome are strong visual and social learners and classroom dynamics should cater to such needs
  • Some challenges for students with down syndrome include short term auditory memory, speech, and language.
  • Due to these common challenges classrooms should include lots of "hands- on" materials, and computer assisted technology as opposed to worksheets or textbooks
  • Teachers should also provide visual instructions to reinforce curricula.