Inclusions requires classes to be structured to students needs. In order for this to happen, teachers must collaborate with each other to find effective strategies that will benefit the child's learning. Not only is it crucial for teachers to come together, it would be best for the student if all their supports where collaborating with each other.
One of the main ideas in this article was change. Specifically in changing from mainstreaming and integration to more of an inclusion setting. It also refers to how teachers need to change and adapt to their diverse classrooms. Also, a change in our perspective of how children learn and what is best for them.
Clear and simple. In order for Inclusion to be successful, there needs to be support. The article made a lot of reference on adding more supplementary aids inside the classroom. The article stated that there needed to be more aids and support in the general education settings for effective education.
The article is trying to do one thing, which is making us aware of how beneficial inclusion is. The research showed that the more aware people were of inclusion the more they accepted it. Awareness is not only reading about it, but also being involved in it and experiencing it for yourself.
Results show that Inclusion demonstrates a positive change.There have been reports of greater gains from students who participated in Inclusion. Not only is it a positive and impactful change for students, but educators and administration have also agreed that it has affected them to and has given them a postive outlook on Inclusion.