"An optional early resolution process where an impartial facilitator assists the IEP team with communication and problem solving" (CADRE, 2015).
A few key benefits: May build and improve relationships among IEP team members; Keeps decision making with team members who know the child best; and The IEP team may work together more effectively and efficiently.
"A voluntary process that brings people together with a medication, who helps them communicate with each other and resolve their disagreements" (CADRE, 2015).
A few key benefits: Discussions are confidential and can't be used as evidence; More flexible, less adversarial alternative to other dispute options; and Helps resolve disagreements more quickly.
"A meeting that takes place after a parent files a due process complaint/hearing request but before a due process hearing takes place" (CADRE, 2015).
A couple key benefits: Provides a chance for the parent and school district to work together to resolve issues prior to hearing; and may cancel a resolution agreement within 3 business days of being signed.
"A written document used to communicate that a public agency (e.g. school district) has not followed the IDEA, and to request an investigation" (CADRE, 2015).
A couple key benefits: Relatively easy to file; and must be issued no later than 60 calendar days after the complaint was received, unless timeline is extended.
"A special type of due process complaint/hearing request available only in certain situations that relate to a student's discipline and placement" (CADRE, 2015).
The benefit is that it intended to quickly address decisions concerning a student's discipline and placement.