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6 Strands Of Culture

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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So my family lives in Cupertino.
Where we live has a great neighborhood, everything is within walking distance, and The education here is great
This is why my parents decided to live here.

Photo by mohammadali

I decided to pick my brother for geography because I feel like he is most influenced by where he lives.

Everything is close to my house (Chuck e Cheeses, the movies, yogurt land, verde, restaurants, etc), so my brother just walks with his friends to almost anywhere he wants. And when he wants he gets to bike to target or Safeway whenever he wants.


Photo by rcbodden

My whole family consumes and of course my parents are also producers.
My brother and I are the biggest consumers buying clothes, food, entertainment, etc.

Since I am the biggest consumer of the family, I decided to pick myself out the the family. I buy clothes, music, devices, etc.
I don't contribute as much as my other family members, but I do do chores, care for my education, and simple things like that.


Photo by Paul Mannix

The two bosses of the house are my mom and dad. My brother is bossy, but not the boss. Therefore, I am the "peasant" of the family.

Photo by just.Luc

My mom.
Even though my mom and dad are in charge, my mom is always the big boss. If I ask my dad for something, he will have to ask my mom for permission. What my mom says is done.


Photo by ~SMugridge~

My parents are quite similar when it comes to sociology, but the main difference is that my dad is the "go with the flow" guy and my mom is more of the by the rules.
My brother is independent and doesn't really bond or talk with family and relatives.
I would like to have independence and freedom, but don't. I tend to also disconnect with relatives too. (Don't like to socialize)

Photo by miuenski

My dad is sort of a light hearted family man.
He gives me much more freedom than my mom (which I appreciate greatly) and likes to be organized.


Photo by martingarri

Both of my parents believe in Buddhism.
They believe it, but aren't devout in it. (Don't visit temples or pray often)
My brother and I are atheists (we don't believe in god and believe in science).

My mom rarely prays or goes to temples, though her and her family (my aunts, uncles, grandparents) believe in Buddhism.
Her important values is if you treat people badly, you will be treated badly (she says something like that).


Photo by zilverbat.

My mom speaks Vietnamese and English, and my dad speaks Vietnamese, Cantonese, and English. My brother and I can understand Vietnamese, but can't speak it. Our only main language is English.
My dad and brother aren't into art as my mom and I are.
My mom loves art and almost attended an art university when she was younger.

Photo by WarzauWynn

Education is very important to my family. My parents expect us to get good grades and be at the top of our class. My brother and I have math tutors.
My parents always want us to become successful, get good grades, and get a good job.

Photo by monkeyc.net

You can sort of say art is a big part of my life. Every Tuesday I've been going to art class for five/six years. I have always enjoyed painting and drawing.

Education is very important to me because my parents are always pressuring me to get good grades and achieve.

Short summary...
I hope you have a better understanding of the 6 strands of culture and my family. You can see that my family has unique and quite different personalities.

Photo by Claudio.Ar


Photo by huvulu