6 Word Memoir

Published on Dec 30, 2018

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6 Word Memoir

Creative Writing
Photo by Sean Stratton

What are the stones in the yesterday's poem?

Photo by JelleS

the noncombustibles
they make us stable

Photo by JelleS

the stuff we are built upon

Photo by JelleS

they make up

our true self
Photo by JelleS

List the "stones" in your life

Don’t edit, cross out, change, or rewrite words.  Don’t worry about spelling – just write as much as you can
Don’t edit, cross out, change, or rewrite words. Don’t worry about spelling – just write as much as you can!

What gives you direction?
What do you live for?

Photo by EnnyKoeva

List as many words, topics, memories, or personality traits as you can about yourself. List as many activities you do, items, belongings, places you like, and feelings you have.

Photo by evereverse

Wife, winter, snow, camping, lost int the woods, early mornings, coffee, storms, hiking, Chai, eating, Vikings, music, Chipotle, teacher, tired, salad, disciplined, water is life, busy, sleeping, climbing, travel, long drives, woods, Utah, pictures, thinking, inspire, clean, lesson planning, proud, giving, strong, yoga, perfectionist, gluten-free, just breath, Led Zeppelin, papa, imaginative, loyal, Netflix, stressed, tea, books, Lord of the Rings, empty fridge, climbing tree, bike riding, story writing, apple pie, Green Smoothies, fishing off of Grandpa’s boat, camping, dating, nutrition, gymnastics, canoeing, lost in the woods...

Wife, winter, snow, camping, lost int the woods, early mornings, coffee, storms, hiking, Chai, eating, Vikings, music, Chipotle, teacher, tired, salad, disciplined, water is life, busy, sleeping, climbing, travel, long drives, woods, Utah, pictures, thinking, inspire, clean, lesson planning, proud, giving, strong, yoga, perfectionist, gluten-free, just breath, Led Zeppelin, papa, imaginative, loyal, Netflix, stressed, tea, books, Lord of the Rings, empty fridge, climbing tree, bike riding, story writing, apple pie, Green Smoothies, fishing off of Grandpa’s boat, camping, dating, nutrition, canoeing...

Photo by chungyc

Pick one

and free write for 10 minutes
Photo by Oliver Paaske

I am disciplined. I wake up at 3:00 in the morning to practice a strict form of yoga six days a week. What drives me to do this? It is not fun. It’s hard work. It often makes me see myself in not so pleasing ways, and yet, I always feel better after an early morning practicing yoga. I love coming to school feeling alive when everyone else seems like a zombie walking around, drinking coffee, and feeling crabby because they’re at work. It makes me feel so strong and powerful.

Photo by Kuyan Redman

I am not naturally a morning person and everyone thinks I am crazy, but this is what I do. The regiment of this practice sets a circadian rhythm to my life and has simply become what I do. I don’t even think about it. It has made me a more honest person with myself. I have had to give up a lot. I don’t stay up late at night binging on Netflix. Actually, I do on Friday night. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I eat right. I thrive on structure and routine because it makes me feel comfortable when I know what to expect.

It has really helped me to build “a palace in my mind." It helps me face my demons. It is so important to me that I haven’t missed a day in five years. Even when I was sick, I still practiced. Even when my knee pain was so bad and all I could do was hobble and limp around, I still practiced somehow.

Photo by Tim Rebkavets

I struggle to make things perfect, but I think if I just relax, everything would fall into place naturally. My dad always said that if something doesn’t fit, get a bigger hammer. I guess that is what always drove me, but I am starting to learn that all a bigger hammer does is break something. Maybe my body. Maybe my relationships with other people….


your free write
Photo by Oskars Sylwan

Pick out

the message you're conveying
Photo by Ita Pritsch

Combine elements into an understandable whole

put your writing into a phrase that captures you
Photo by Yeah Im Kenny

The example topic was “discipline.”
The idea was how difficult and rewarding it is being disciplined.
Mrs. Garaux’s Example:
Discipline and structure will set you free.

Photo by Trey Ratcliff

Exchange with a partner

ask them to help you get your phrase to exactly 6 POWERFUL WORDS
Photo by andrewmalone

Anchored Discipline

will set you free

Add visuals

that reflect the message you are trying to deliver
Photo by jeroenadema

Be ready

to share a message about the stones in your life
Photo by TruShu

Sarah Garaux

Haiku Deck Pro User