Do Now
Middle School is very different from elementary school. What are you excited and/or nervous about being a new student to our school?
Write a response using your best writing. Be sure to write a minimum of 8 sentences. Write silently, at your desk.
Do Now:
What is the purpose of education?
Silently and in your seat write a minimum of 8 sentences to answer the question.
Our Class (HL)
In this class, we will read, write, think, and speak about literature. Literature is any work that is written; for example: poems, short stories, novels, plays, essays, etc.
Our Class (HAW)
In this class, we will read, write, think, and speak about the ancient world. We will learn and think about the early humans, Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China, and more! We will relive history to see how people lived in the ancient world.
About Your Teacher
Silently sit in your seat and listen to Mr. G share about his life. If you have a question, raise your hand silently.
In college, a professor gives students a syllabus, so that they know what their class is about. Together we will look at our class syllabus and discuss how this class will work.
With your partner, read each scenario and practice how you will act out that scenario. When you are called, you will perform your scenario and the rest of us will decide which student was following RAFT expectations and which was not!
1. What is your name?
2. What elementary school did you attend?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. What is your favorite food/snack?
5. What is your favorite song?
Bring back syllabus, signed.
Due: Wednesday 8/6/14