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7 kings of rome

Published on Aug 08, 2016

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7 kings of rome

Patricia Thomas


753-716 BC

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  • founded rome
  • raised by a wolf
  • established a senate
  • thought to have acended to heaven
  • stole women from the neighboring sabients to populate rome

numa pomplius

715-673 bc

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  • nobody wanted him to be king but the sabient said it was their turn to have a king
  • established religon
  • established a calender
  • built the temple of janus
  • established the boundaries in rome

tullius hostilius

673-641 bc

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  • was a latin
  • tullus is hostile
  • defeated the albans
  • built the curia hostilia
  • was struck with the plauge

ancus marcius

641-616 bc

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  • defeated the old latins
  • added the aventine and janiculum
  • built the first aqueduct
  • established port ostia
  • credited with how the romans went to war

tarquinius priscus


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  • was a etruscan
  • a eagle his hat off and replaced it
  • considered to be very honest
  • doubled the size of calvery
  • was assainated by mancus marclius

servius tullius


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  • determiend that a citizen's tribe is not determied by the amount of money they have but where they live
  • created the census
  • created the temple of diana
  • credited with the first walls
  • he added quirinal, viminal, and esquiline