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7 Quotes Psychology Students Will Love.

If you like psychology, you'll love these quotes.


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Widely considered the most influential living psychologist, Daniel Kahneman's pioneering work within the field of behavioral economics has revolutionized our understanding of irrational decision making.

Among his many accolades, in 1982 along with Amos Tversky, Daniel Kahneman received the American Psychological Association (APA) Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions. In 2002 he won the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences and in 2007 he was presented with the Lifetime Contribution Award from the American Psychological Association.

Daniel Kahneman's critically acclaimed book 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' is a global bestseller and won the National Academy of Sciences Best Book Award in 2012.

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Albert Bandura was born on the 4th December 1925. A truly eminent psychologist, the world renowned Stanford University Professor's seminal work includes his landmark article 'Transmission of Aggression Through Imitation of Aggressive Models' published in 1961 and his classic book 'Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory' published in 1986. Albert Bandura's many professional awards include the American Psychological Foundation Gold Medal Award for Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to Psychological Science, which he received in 2006.

You can read 'Transmission of Aggression Through Imitation of Aggressive Models' in full for free via the following link.


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Stanley Milgram was renowned for conducting a series of the most notorious and controversial experiments in the history of psychology, designed to explore the extent to which people would be willing to obey an experimenter's orders to administer 'electric shocks' as a form of punishment in a 'learning exercise.'

In 1963 Milgram published a number of papers documenting the disturbing finding that 65% of his subjects obeyed orders from an authority figure to inflict severe levels of pain on someone else, a finding he later examined in detail in 1974 in his book 'Obedience to Authority.' Milgram's work on obedience not only raised serious questions about research ethics but was also challenged on methodological grounds, most notably in relation to his very small sample size and the fact that the infamous 65% obedience level figure was based on just one out of 24 experimental variations. Despite this, Milgram's work still ranks among the most influential areas of social psychological research.

An avant-garde thinker, Milgram also conducted fascinating research into such things as the 'small world' phenomenon, the effects of televised antisocial behavior and the experience of living in cities.'

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A true legend within the discipline, Alfred Adler is rightly heralded as the first community psychologist. Decades ahead of its time and rooted in social welfare, social justice, equality and the importance of education; Adlerian psychology, also known as individual psychology still resonates as strongly as when Adler began to articulate his ideas in the early part of the 20th Century.

Feeling engaged and connected with one's community is a central tenet of Adlerian psychology. The psychological importance of 'Social Interest' or 'Gemeinschaftsgefühl' as Adler originally called it, is as important today as it has ever been.

To learn more about Alfred Adler, see following link for free information, resources and full-text articles.


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Fab quote by the brilliant Ted Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss.

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Yale University psychology Professor Paul Bloom is a world renowned expert in how children and adults understand the physical and social world, particularly in relation to morality, religion, fiction, and art.

An award-winning researcher and teacher, Professor Bloom's work has been published in numerous scientific journals such as Nature and Science and he is the author of several books, including How Children Learn the Meanings of Words, Descartes' Baby, and How Pleasure Works.

Professor Bloom's excellent introduction to psychology course is available online to the public free of charge. See following link.


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David Webb BSc (hons), MSc