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Slide Notes

Title comes from the book "Yes Please" by Amy Poehler.

I was intrigued by the chapter called "Robots will kill us all" in reference to all technology:

1. my phone doesn't want me to finish working.
2. my phone doesn't want me to have friends (share Maddie's story)
3. my phone wants me to feel bad about how I look
4. my phone wants to show me things I shouldn't see.
5. my phone wants me to love it more than my children
6. my phone won't let me go
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7th Grade Haikudeck

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7th Grade Presentation
Tweens, Teens, Technology & Social Media

Title comes from the book "Yes Please" by Amy Poehler.

I was intrigued by the chapter called "Robots will kill us all" in reference to all technology:

1. my phone doesn't want me to finish working.
2. my phone doesn't want me to have friends (share Maddie's story)
3. my phone wants me to feel bad about how I look
4. my phone wants to show me things I shouldn't see.
5. my phone wants me to love it more than my children
6. my phone won't let me go
Photo by Stéfan

Have you ever felt like Amy?

Do you know the following technology?

My technology education started here.


Photo by Carbon Arc

The latest in classroom viewing (in 1965)

Photo by Nesster

Untitled Slide

Photo by Carbon Arc

Untitled Slide

Photo by ario_

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide

Photo by friskierisky

Untitled Slide

Photo by Go_OffStation

Untitled Slide

Photo by Rrrrred

Music Streaming

Where did MP3's go?  
Photo by Ludwig Gatzke

Untitled Slide

Photo by debagel

Untitled Slide

Photo by SerenityRose

Untitled Slide

Photo by JasonTromm

Today's Objectives

  • Make smarter choices
  • Create a positive online culture
  • Be a good digital citizen
  • Recognize bullying/harrassment
  • Be able to take appropriate steps when bullying occurs.
Photo by apdk

How do kids communicate?


mobile phones/smart phones
text messages
social networks
instant messages/chatting
skype/face time
virtual worlds
online gaming

Kids are using apps to talk to each other

kids create media: vines, youtube videos, tweeting

they play online games that involve playing with someone else (known or not known)
Photo by arbyreed

How do you communicate with family?

Brainstorm the changing landscape.
Photo by flattop341

Untitled Slide

what kind of social media and apps do you and your friends use?

Photo by marianbeck

Where are you connecting online?

Photo by lecates

How many hours a day to you spend outside of school using technology?

Photo by Shardayyy


  • What can youdo with a mobile device?
Smart phone features:

check-in (gives location)
access web without wi-fi
access social networks
communicate through chats or texts

Let's talk SmartPhones

#1 Teen Tech Choice

  • do you have a phone?
  • do you own your phone?
  • how old do you have to be to own a plan?
  • so, who really owns your phone?

What is Bullying

or Harrassment? 


(or has the capacity to be repeated)
Photo by Thomas Hawk



Photo by Jan Tik

Imbalance of power

(why I don't use the word VICTIM)
Photo by DonkeyHotey

Creates a "hostile environment"

Photo by asafantman

Forms of harassment:

  • verbal
  • physical
  • social/emotional
Photo by Maksoff

Harassment can be about one's sex or someone's perceived sex or sexual orientation (SEXUAL HARASSMENT)

whether someone is a boy or girl, or whether someone thinks someone has male or female characteristics.

discuss use of the term "gay"
Photo by plushoff

Harassment can be about someone's race/nationality or religious identity

Photo by CharlesFred

Harassment can be about someone's ability level

Photo by duda C.

Social/Relational Bullying

  • Mean Girls/Guys
  • Rumors and gossip
  • exclusion and isolation
  • taking sides
  • shunning
Photo by coolio-claire

Bullies: This is how they do

  • use of humiliation
  • humor (laughing AT not WITH)
  • domination
  • intimidation
  • threats
  • preying upon someone's vulnerability
  • they persist, especially if the target becomes distressed or stands up for him/hersel
Photo by Sreenath H B

How soon do you need to hear back once you've texted someone?

Photo by vchili

What is flirting?

Can you give examples?  
Photo by cliff1066™

When does flirting go too far?

Photo by amphalon

What is sexual harassment?

  • Verbal
  • Gestures
  • Physical
Photo by Sam Howzit

examples of sexual harassment

  • obscene name-calling
  • physical contact from minor incidents through assault
  • obscene gestures
  • targeting someone because of their sex or perceived sex or sexual preference
Photo by cliff1066™


What is the ONE word

that distinguishes between flirting & harassment? 
Photo by CrosswordMan


Photo by snigl3t

What is "implied consent"

Photo by JustinJensen

what is stated consent?

which is more reliable? what are the consequences for getting it wrong?

Technology & Harassment

Photo by sioenroux

MY DISCLAIMER: most internet use, even among teens/tweens is for good

But of course our tendency is to focus on "internet issues"
Of course I will not disappoint.
Photo by karen_neoh


using sexual language/images

Why do kids sext?

entice someone, a game, a dare, to show interest, to prove commitment

How can you prevent it from happening to you?

or one of your friends? 

Limiting the Exposure

  • It is not the end of the world, even if it feels like it
  • If you posted it, TAKE IT DOWN
  • Request photos removal from all sites/search engines
  • Know that this will pass and you WILL get through it
Photo by mastakilla

Respect self & others

  • asking for sexy or naked photos is NOT OK
  • Send photos/messages that build a positive digital reputation
  • Share wisely
  • If faced with a compromising photo, report it to a trusted adult.
Photo by nayukim

3 kinds of harassers

  • Clueless
  • Insensitive
  • Hard-core
Photo by Nata Luna

How to deal with it

  • Stop
  • Walk
  • Talk

Find allies

Use humor

What about bystanders?

Apps/Social Networkds

Do you use privacy settings? Why use them?
Photo by Mickyboyc

How to stay better protected online

  • Check and re-check privacy settings
  • Disable un-needed location services
  • Delete inappropriate content ASAP
  • Let a trusted adult know
  • Never create a duplicate account in any other name(s)
Privacy settings can be re-set when an update occurs.

With some privacy settings you can

  • control who sees your page
  • control info people see about you
  • block people
  • control who can tag your photo or share your location
Photo by 55Laney69

protect your passwords

Photo by Joybot

How you treat others

Photo by cinderellasg

How You Treat Others

  • What you can do:
  • Don't participate
  • Stand up for others
  • Lend support after
  • Talk to a trusted adult
If you don't act right away, you can lend support after. Let them know you are there if they need to talk.
If you see your friend bullying you can talk to them later about how their actions were hurtful/inappropriate
How do YOU want someone to stand up for YOU or your FAMILY?
Inappropriate content is subjective.
they can always report violations of terms and conditions (hate speech, gang lifestyle, weapons, online predators)
Reports of abuse are almost always confidential
Trust your gut

Has someone ever taken what you said through text or online the wrong way?

Photo by Bob.Fornal

How do you show emotion when you are texting or online?

Photo by theusfalcao

What's the difference?

Seeing someone text "no one likes you" to your friend
Photo by WarzauWynn

Seeing someone post "nobody likes you" to your friend using social media

Photo by WarzauWynn

You have a younger sibling about to go online for the first time.

What advice would you give? 
Photo by Pedro Vezini

Online Publishing

texts, blogs, videos, photos
I don't refer to posting as often as I refer to PUBLISHING as a way of reframing their online lives.
Photo by Sean MacEntee

Your digital reputation

Photo by DigitalRalph

What is a digital reputation?
When did yours start?
What contributes to it?

Photo by quimby

A person's online image created from they way they present themselves and the way they treat others.

Discuss the impacts of trying to keep children away from the internet in order to build a strong digital reputation.

Parents and teachers should be a part of that process.

Idea: "delete day"

• Even if kids THINK they delete something, there is no way to know that it hasn’t been
copied and posted elsewhere.
• The concept of reputation has changed—for kids now, their reputation is not just
what they’ve been posting in the past 24 hours—it’s made up of everything they’ve ever
• Emphasize that activity when you’re 13 on social media may still be there when
you’re 21.
Photo by Arry_B

Your digital "footprints" build your reputation

Make sure your footprints are helping not hurting your reputation
Photo by foxypar4

What is context?

Photo by VinothChandar

Is this public or private?

  • Posting an update on social network profile
  • Commenting on a social network page
  • Creating and uploading videos and photos
  • Gaming online
  • Texting
  • Emailing
  • Blogging
Photo by kevin dooley

Why does it matter?

Photo by Vermin Inc

Life is about balance

Spending time offline is about expanding your world, not limiting it

Do your parents set technology limits?

If they don't, should you set your own?

do you sleep with your phone nearby?

Most kids will admit to sleeping with phone under pillow or near to the bed, with the phone in the "on" position

Kids will come to school in a state of exhaustion from either texting at night, or gaming until late.

Ask: do your parents have a policy regarding cell phone use?

What is it?

Do you abide by it, or have you figured out how to get around it?

Why do you need to keep your phone within earshot or reach all night?

Where are you?

  • This is YOUR online world.
  • You have the power.
  • It's up to you
Photo by AndyArmstrong