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8 Key Executive Functions

Published on Jul 13, 2017

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8 Key Executive Functions

Executive functions let people plan, organize and complete tasks.  
Photo by takacsi75

Executive functions

are skills everyone uses to organize and act on information. 
Photo by romana klee

Executive Functioning

Issues can affect your child everyday life. 
Photo by Nabok

If your kid has executive functioning issues

They may struggle with or all of the following skills.
Photo by Viofiddler

Impulse Control

Helps your child think before acting. 
Photo by JD Hancock

Impulse control

They might blurt out inappropriate things. 
Photo by FlickrJunkie

Impulse Control

Kid's are more likely to engage in risky behavior. 
Photo by mescon

Impulse Control

Being able to block out surrounding stimuli. 
Photo by Ionics

Emotional Control

Helps your child keep their feelings in check. 
Photo by katerha

Emotional Control

Children  with weak emotional control often overreact. 
Photo by angelina_koh

Emotional Control

Kid's have trouble dealing with criticism and regrouping when something goes wrong. 
Photo by showbiz kids

Emotional Control

Your child's brain is assigning an importance and magnitude. 

Flexible Thinking

Allows your child to adjust to the unexpected. 
Photo by @daslive

Flexible Thinking

Kid's with “rigid” thinking don’t roll with the punches. 
Photo by RichTatum

Flexible Thinking

Kid's get frustrated if asked to think about something from a different angle. 
Photo by vauvau

Flexible Thinking

Kid can learn to observe and adate to changes in their environment 

Working Memory

Allows your kid to keep key information in their mind. 
Photo by kevin dooley

Working Memory

Trouble remembering directions. 

Working Memory

Being able to visionalize the information learned. 
Photo by BakerRipley

Self- Monitoring

Allows your child to evaluate how their doing. 

Self- Monitoring

They'll be surprised by a bad grade or negative feedback. 

Self- Monitoring

Evaluating the information moment to moment. 
Photo by retrokatz

Planning and Prioritizing

Helps your child decide on a goal and a plan to meet it.  
Photo by grace_kat

Planning and Prioritizing

Your child may not know which parts of a project are most important. 
Photo by thisisbossi

Planning and Prioritizing

Directing their energy with goals in right order of importance. 

Task Initiation

Helps your child take action and get started. 

Task Initiation

Your child may freeze up because they have no idea where to begin. 
Photo by John-Morgan

Task Initiation

Controlling their negative feeling and doing something positive. 
Photo by A. Dawson


Lets your child keep track of things physically and mentally. 
Photo by Andy Ciordia


Your child can lose their train of thought-as well as their cell phone and homework. 
Photo by sciencesque


Recover their mental picture by mainaining their focus. 

Like all skills

Executive Functioning can be strengthened. 
Photo by Victor Valore

Our online course offers strategies

So your child can improve their organization, working memory and flexible thinking.

With our course

you'll learn new ways to manage and improve these issues naturally. 

ADHD Managed

10-week course for ages 4,5 &6