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911 presentation

Published on Dec 11, 2015

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911 presentation

by:Shayla Nicole hall     date:9/11/14

here is the smoke going into the air of when the plane hit the twin towers.

Photo by Rob Sheridan

8:46 flight 11 hits south tower. at 9:03 flight 175 hits north tower.

the air plane came out the north tower at exactly 9:48.

here is before the twin towers get hit by the airplane. the next picture is when the twin towers get hit by the airplane at 8:46 and 9:03.this last photo is the twin towers memorial.

here is when the north tower collapses at 9:59. the south tower collapses at 10:05.

here is when the airplane 11 is about t hit the north tower. at exactly 10:

here is when the airplane is about to hit the tower at 10:05.

this is a presentation of the crashes that happened on September 11, 2001 this presentation of the crash on 911 is by Shayla Nicole Hall i hoped you enjoyed.
NEVER FORGET!ome text.