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A Better You

Published on Dec 06, 2015

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Concern:make better choices

Goal: atfer reading this can make better choices

Stupid chivalry
talks about how men involve themselves with the wrong type of woman(damaged, needy, untrustworthy).

Stupid independence
This chapter discusses how men hide the need for bonding and intimacy by doing excess in work & pleasure.

Stupid ambitions
Bowing down to false idols(money, power, fame, and items) you are unable to accept the importance of being a husband and father.

Photo by pollas

Stupid Strength
Using force to attempt to gain control and escape from feeling powerless and vulnerability.

Stupid sex
Taking attraction as a sign, you measure your masculinity and power by sexual infidelities.

Stupid matrimony
Lacking a mature sense of meaning you get married to the wrong woman.

Stupid husbanding
Thinking of marriage as a discharge from courtship, you let the "mommy wife "take care of everything.

Stupid parenting
Believing that only women can nurture children, you avoid hands on parenting to assert your masculinity.

Stupid boyishness
Having not come to terms with your mother, you form a relationship with women that focuses on resolving your ties with you mother.

Stupid machismo
Understanding the true and meaningful difference between being a male and a man.

There are three versions of the book one for: men, women, and couple.

Uses real world examples to show the reader how each category can effect them.