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Slide Notes

Introduce self, experience/interest in topic

Important caveat: In 60 minutes, we cannot comprehensively address this topic … This is “A Catholic Response…”, not “The Catholic Response, or “What the Church teaches about Racism… That is why we are engaging in a process together here, rather than just listening to a presentation

A Catholic Response to Racial Injustice

Published on Jan 10, 2021

No Description


A Catholic Response to Racial Injustice

Sustaining the Mission
Introduce self, experience/interest in topic

Important caveat: In 60 minutes, we cannot comprehensively address this topic … This is “A Catholic Response…”, not “The Catholic Response, or “What the Church teaches about Racism… That is why we are engaging in a process together here, rather than just listening to a presentation
Photo by James Coleman

Opening Prayer

Franciscan Benediction
Franciscan Benediction
May God bless you with discomfort…
Discomfort at easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships,
Discomfort, so that you will live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger…
Anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people,
Anger, so that you will work for justice, freedom, and peace.

May God bless you with tears…
Tears to shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, starvation and war,
Tears, so that you will reach out to comfort them
And turn their pain into joy.

And, may God bless you with foolishness…
Foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world,
Foolishness, so that you will do what others claim cannot be done.
Photo by Tom Barrett

Brief review

  • Catholic Social Teaching
  • Pastoral circle (Level 2)
  • Body of Christ - unity, not uniformity (1 Cor 12)
Photo by João Mansano

A Process for Response

Development of a well-formed conscience
Our tradition offers various processes for response that involve contemplation and action.
All of these processes involve consideration of Scripture, Church teaching, current knowledge from secular sources, prayer and reflection on our own experiences, and on others’ experiences
Another way of naming this process: the development of a well-formed conscience. Our call is not to leave our intellect and will aside, and simply “look up Church teachings” to follow. We are called to form our own consciences, and to engage in the process of forming a collective conscience (as essential members of the Body of Christ). This offers experiences of both engagement and growth for those who find certain church teachings abrasive.
While there are other, common approaches...
See, Judge, Act - Level Two participants engaged in this in the online course, Building a Just World.
Pray, Reach Out, Learn, Act https://www.wearesaltandlight.org/
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Pastoral Circle

  • Prayer
  • Experience
  • Social analysis
  • Theological reflection
  • Discernment
  • Action
Our framework for process today (Pastoral Circle from JVC)
Experience: quick write on personal experience, why this matters to them
Social analysis: review resources (4 articles, or a page of scripture references, a page on church teaching, a page on current science/social science)
Theological Reflection: a specific question for reflection
Discernment: quick write on how this influences me and where I’m at, what action do I want to consider
Action: a personal commitment
Photo by mrnilspeters

Small groups

  • Introductions - "I am _____, I work at _____ as a ____, I bring the gift of _____ to this group today"
  • Prayer (on handout)
  • Discussion (on handout)

Racial Justice & the Catholic Church

Father Bryan Massingale

A Confession of Faith

  • One creator God & common origin (Gen 1:26)
  • Diversity = divine blessing/mirrors inner life of God (Acts 2:11)
  • Solidarity (Gen 2:18-20)
  • Option for the poor & marginalized
  • Racial reconciliation = divine gift & promise
Photo by LinaNinaNea

One creator God & common origin (Gen 1:26)

Photo by Dr Case

Diversity = divine blessing/mirrors inner life of God (Acts 2:11)

Photo by bsabarnowl

Solidarity (Gen 2:18-20)

Photo by Tim Marshall

Option for the poor & marginalized

Photo by bill wegener

Racial reconciliation = divine gift & promise

Untitled Slide

Social Analysis

  • What new things did you learn? Did anything surprise you? What questions have arisen?
Photo by Pulpolux !!!

Theological Reflection

  • Read aloud your assigned passage while thinking about the reality of racial injustice
Photo by Pepe Reyes

Small group discussion

  • How could you interpret your passage in light of racial injustice?
  • What beliefs from Fr. Massingale's confession of faith are reflected in the passage?
  • How can you share this interpretation in a classroom setting?
Photo by Sakura


  • How has this information and prayerful conversation influenced me? Have I noticed any shifts in my perspective?
Photo by Brett Jordan


  • Are there topics that I want to research further? What actions do I want to consider as potential ways of deepening my engagement with this issue? How will this impact what and how I teach and work in our schools?
Photo by gibsonsgolfer


Photo by Pug50


Photo by Scott McLeod