Restating Stanza One: I am leaving, I feel as if it is completely my fault. If my hope is gone, so be it. Less will always be gone, just as it seems to be just an imaginative state. (And, in parting from you now. Yet if hope has flown away, In a night or in a day. All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream.)
Restating Stanza Two: I rinse myself upon the ragged idol that is my own hand. I worry and whine straight into the depths that I know as my own head. I clasp tighter upon my own pity, as all that I do actually see in front of me is nothing but a dream within a dream. (I stand along a surf-tormented shore, I hold within in my hand the golden sand. Through my fingers I weep, as I can not grasp. Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream?)
Sometimes, looking at the negative side of things is okay. Looking to see what could go wrong or what could lead to torture is simply part of the human nature that is curiosity.