Noise is defined as any undesired signal in a communication circuit. Noise is any unwanted disturbance superimposed on a useful signal, which tends to obscure its information content.
Types of Noise
- Thermal noise
- Intermodulation noise
- Crosstalk
- Impulse noise
Thermal Noise
Thermal Noise is the unwanted noise in an electronic component arising from dark current or the agitation of electrons by heat. Also called Johnson noise
Intermodulation Noise
Intermodulation noise is the frequency variation of two or more electromagnetic waves transmitted simultaneously through a nonlinear electronic system.
Crosstalk is undesired signals or sounds, as of voices, in a telephone or other communications device as a result of coupling between transmission circuits.
Impulse Noise
Impulse noise is noise characterized by transient short-duration disturbances distributed essentially uniformly over the useful passband of a transmission system.
Subject and Field of Study
The subject and field of study of the proposed project is data communications and computer network in the area of computer science with emphasis on radio frequency interference (RFI).
Specific Objectives
- To minimize electromagnetic interference (EMI) by ensuring that all electronic equipment is operated with a good electrical ground system.
- To eliminate EMI or greatly suppress it to avoid interference and achieve EMC
- To develop and test a framework that would enhance the control of noise in data communication
Background to the Study
EMI is the term widely used for electrical signals that interfere with the normal operation of electronic EMI is the term widely used for electrical signals that interfere with the normal operation of electronic
Scope and Limitations of Study
The scope of this project is to design an equipment to minimize emissions or to make the equipment less vulnerable to EMI by using three different methods in reducing EMI namely filtering, shielding and grounding.