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A heavenly meeting..

Published on Feb 25, 2016



A heavenly meeting..

The Manchu Princess's role in Kitty's spiritual discovery

Photo by poolie

Harrington Gardens

  • Starting point
  • middle class
  • Patriarchal, hierarchal, vain, repressive
Photo by nexus6

Hong Kong

  • Escapes mother and social circle in England
  • Geographically but not cultrually escapes
  • Superficial, pleasure seeking and adulterous
Photo by Leshaines123


Photo by carmen zuniga

Charlie Townsend

  • Affair with Charlie
  • tall, six foot two at least, had a beautiful figure; he was evidently in very good condition and he had not a spare ounce of fat on him. He was well dressed, the best-dressed man in the room, and he wore his clothes well.’
  • He had told her since that he was crazy about her on that first evening. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He remembered the dress she wore; it was her wedding dress, and he said she looked like a lily of the valley’
Photo by Jesse Kruger


  • Exotic+Undesirable
  • Arrives broken-hearted
  • Purgatorial space
Photo by afrowolf

The Manchu Princess

The Manchu Princess

  • Ethnically Chinese
  • Religious imagery
  • 'idol', 'mask'
  • 'The Painted Veil'
Photo by eugene

The Manchu Princess

  • Relationship with Waddington
  • Relationship not based on physical attraction
  • Unattractive: 'It was like a monkey's"
  • Relationship not based on physical attraction
  • Mutualistic, supportive
Photo by annstheclaf

The Manchu Princess

  • Unconventional relationship, socially condemned
  • “his morals were not all one could wish”,” It is very wicked of him. Those things are not done.“ it was ugly like a monkey's” -Sister St. Joseph
  • Deeply in love with Waddington's virtue
  • Determination, + Devotion
Photo by Ian Sane

The influence of the manchu princess

  • Kitty's common place ideals
  • Transformation of Kitty
  • ' It does the heart good to look at you'- Mother superior
Photo by SidPix

Hong Kong

  • Weak-willed Kitty
  • Dorothy: 'Kitty allowed herself to be kissed.' and she allowed herself to be led
  • ' She had forgotten how pleasant it was to take one's ease, how lulling to be surrounded by pretty things, and how agreeable it was to receive attention.', 'She had thought herself changed[...]Weak, Weak!'
Photo by dek dav

Hong Kong

  • Dorothy: 'Kitty allowed herself to be kissed.' and she allowed herself to be led
  • Charlie: ' Whatever could have possessed her to think him this and that? he was a very handsome man.'
  • "Soon she found herself asking about so and so and who had broken a collar-bone at polo"
  • Feels ashamed
Photo by Angie Lealuez

Harrington Gardens

  • Empathetic with her father after her mother's death
  • Mrs. Garstin death as liberation
  • Wishes her daughter will not repeat her mistakes


  • Rebuild relationship with father
  • Raise her child
Photo by moore.owen38

Kitty's growth

Reflective and determined to change:

Photo by SidPix

Manchu Princess

The 'Other' as an inspiration
Photo by rishibando

Normal life cycle

Kitty's life

Photo by jev55

Voting session: Does Kitty deserve a spot in heaven?