a nation in flux #11

Published on Jul 06, 2016

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a nation in flux #11

Philosophy, grammar and the rise of spain

the 11th century

In Bavel

  • Sura is open for it's second century
  • Rav Hai Gaon reins after his father in Pumbedisa.
  • Rav Shmuel Bar Hafni dies and Dosa (not his son) takes over.
  • Sura is in decline
Photo by garryknight


  • Rav Hai Gaon reins after his father in Pumbedisa.
  • Proficeient in multuiple langugaes
  • Students from around the world - Rabbeinu Nissim and Rabbeinu Chananel
  • Dies in 1038 - the end of the Gaonim.
  • The yeshiva existed for another century.


  • Retrospectively, the Golden Age of Spain
  • Jews were offered respect and autonomy
  • Spanned the gamut of professions, and were involved in politics.
  • Rav Chanoch became the Rov and Rosh Yeshiva in 1000.
  • 1025: died on Simchat Torah

Rav Shmuel HaNagid

  • Born in Cordoba in 933, studied under Rav Chanoch and Ibn Hayyut
  • 1012: Abbasid dynasty was overthrown, fled to Grenada.
  • Was hired anonymously as a calligrapher and advisor to Habud, the vizier.
  • Worked as a shopkeeper.

Rav Shmuel Hanagid

  • When the vizier died, he confided in the king that Rav Shmuel was the source of his good council.
  • The King appointed Rav Shmuel to vizier of Grenada
  • Headed the Yeshiva and build a library.
  • Gave a daily shiur, then visited troops as general, then advised the palace.
Photo by Mukumbura


  • Wrote an intro to Talmud, correspondence with Rav Hai. Supported the poor of Bavel and Spain
  • Was not without detractors.
  • When king Habus died, Rav Shmuel supported Badis, who gave full control to Rav Shmuel.
Photo by matryosha

Rav Yosef HaNagid

  • Was less tactful than his father.
  • When an invasion of Grenada failed, the Muslims turned against him.
  • 1067: Stormed his house one shabbat, murdered him and his family and burned the great library.
  • His wife and infant son escaped.
Photo by England

Jews of Spain

  • Rabbeinu Bahya ibn Paquda - Chovos HaLevavvos: The noblest gift that God has given many is the intellect.
  • 1021 - 1058. Rav Shlomo ibn Gabirol. Wrote Tikkun Midot HaNefesh and Mekor Chaim (Fons Vitae by Avicebron)
  • The proximity to North Africa influenced those communities.

the Rif

  • Rav Yitzchak Alfassi
  • Abridged version of the Talmud summarizing arguments and including rulings of the Gaonim.
  • Flees to Lucena in Spain and succeeds Rav Yitzchak ibn Giaz
  • Becomes the teacher of the Ri Migash, teacher of the Rambam.
Photo by Chajm


  • The Rif served as Rosh Yeshiva for 13 years.
  • Only focussed on relevant parts of Talmud.
  • First codifier of Talmudic Law

The Ashkenazim

  • 960: Rabbeinu Gershom Me'Or HaGola
  • Drew students from Pumpedsida. Ensured correct versions of the Talmud.
  • The teacher of Rashi's teachers.

Takkanos Rabbeinu Gershom

  • Ban on Polygamy - only accepted by Ashkenazim - punishable by Cherem
  • Originally only for 200 years, or perhaps 1000 years.
  • A husband could not divorce his wife without her consent.
  • This was done for the protection of women, as Jews became traders and travelers.


  • Heter Meah Rabbanim from 3 lands, from 3 communities.
  • Reading other people's mail.
  • Prohibiting shaming Jews who were converted to Christianity
Photo by kevin dooley

Rabbeinu Gershom's son

  • 1012: A priest converted to Judaism. Catholics burned him at the stake, and demanded the Jews of Mainz to convert.
  • Rabbeinu Gershom's son was captured and baptized, sat shiva for 14 days.
  • Wrote many piyyutim

Students of Rabbeinu Gershom

  • Rav Yosef Tuv Elem - author of Chasal Siddur Pesach
  • Rav Meir ben Yitzchak Sha"tz - Akdamos Milim
  • Rav Yakov ben Yakar
  • Rav Yitzchak Halevi
  • Died in 1040, the year Rashi was born.
Photo by pellethepoet


  • Born in Troyes
  • Studied in Mainz and Worms. His Beit Medrash in worms existed until it was destoryed by the Nazis
  • Returned to Troyes at the age of 25.
  • Legend of Rashi's father's jewel.
  • We are all students of Rashi.

The Notebook

  • Rashi began writing his commentary as a student and these notebooks were copied and disemenated around the Rhinelands.
  • Had no sons, but his daughters married his students.
  • Grandchilden: Rashbam and Rabbeinu Tam.
Photo by akrabat

Versions of the Text

  • Rashi Died in 1104
  • Wrote many copies of the commentary, edited by his students
  • (Rashi script is an invention of printers)

The first crusade

  • 1096: Wave of religious fervor. Big fights in the 1070 (Henry IV and the Pope leading to wars)
  • 1080: Reconqista of Europe from Muslims by Christians.
  • Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095: "God wills it"
  • Soldiers were absolved as sins an given indulgences.
Photo by Ashitakka


  • Thousands of Christians sold their property, marched from France to Germany.
  • 800 Jewish communities were destroyed.
  • Trier, 1st day of Pesach; Convert or flee
  • Mocking the Cross
Photo by Justin Main


  • May 3 - Speyer (12)
  • May 18 - Worms (100s)
  • May 27 - Maintz (1000s)
  • 1000s of Jews are murdered
  • Av HaRachamim was composed to remember these episodes
Photo by Alex Ristea


  • Godfrey of Bouillon conquered Yerushalayim
  • Referenced the Crucifixion as the reason for killing the Jews.
  • Sent shockwaves around the Jewish world.
  • Awakened Anti-Semitism whose climax was the Holocaust.
Photo by quinn.anya

Rael Blumenthal

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