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A Plant Cell Analogy.

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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A plant cell is like an airplane.

Photo by Luke,Ma

The nucleus is like a cockpit of a cell. The cockpit is the control center and sends messages to the other parts of the plane. The nucleus also is the control center and sends messages to the other organelles.

Photo by Néric Blein

The cell membrane is like the cabin in an airplane. The cell membrane holds all of the organelles together and is the barrier between the outside and the inside of the cell. The cabin controls the movement and is a barrier between the cell and it's environment. The cabin also holds the people.

Photo by betta design

The mitochondria is like the engines in an airplane.The engine are the powerhouse of the airplane and move it were ever it wants to go. The mitochondria is also the powerhouse of energy for a cell.

The Chloroplast is like the fuel tanks of an airplane. The chloroplasts hold the chlorophyll and photosynthesis of a plant cell. In a plane the fuel tanks hold the fuel to power the plane just like the chlorophyll and photosynthesis I a plant cell.

Photo by ell brown

The cell wall is like the air crafts frame. This frame protects the people inside and the controls. The cell wall in the cell does the same thing,but protects the organelles.

Photo by homer4k

The Golgi apparatus is like the luggage compartments of an airplane. The Golgi apparatus(GA) holds the proteins of the cell. This could be the luggage, it holds the cargo of the plane.

Photo by Patrick Mayon

The lysosome is like the garbage of the airplane. The lysosomes break down food and digests waste in a cell,just like the garbage room does in an airplane.

Photo by Sweet One

The ribosome is like the galley of an airplane. The ribosomes create the proteins for the cell. The flight attendant creates drinks for the passengers in the galley,and spread the protein around.

Photo by CLDoyle

The vacuole is like the lavatory and the snack cart of an airplane. The vacuole stores food and waste for the cell. In a plane the lavatory stores the waste and the snack cart stores the food.

Photo by CLDoyle

The cytoplasm is like the insulation between the inside and the outside of an airplane. The cytoplasm surrounds the organelles and fills up the cell. In a plane this could be the insulation between the fuselage and the passengers. This could also be the air stored inside the passenger compartment.

Photo by Kevin_Morris

The end endoplasmic reticulum is like the flight attendants and the landing gear of an airplane. The E.R. transports everything in a cell like food and waste. In an air plane the flight attendants transport the food around the plane. The landing gear also moves the plane around.

So the plant cell is like an airplane.