1.3 – Analysis of different methods of communication that can be used with digital literacy learners.
Flexible learning paths help to meet different learning preferences.
Searching for information can be done collaboratively using digital literacy. Digital products like Scoop it and Pintrest can be used collaboratively to add information. These websites are reliant on access to the internet and the hardware and software to use it. Collaborative working takes a little getting used to initially and development of the skills to use the websites needs a little time.
Multi-media learning platforms – Replace text books and exercise books. Provide a complete course of study. Example - Google Digital Lessons
Addigitalgarage.withgoogle.com/Digital tools to support writing such as Padlet and Mind Meister.
Digital tools for using information
MS Office apps / programmes
Office software which includes Word, Powerpoint, Excel and Publisher amongst others. Everyone with college access are able to use the applications. IT can be expensive to buy the software for home use. A good tool which is easy to use with a wide range of documents and templates.
However, there are many other applications available online that do the same job and are free.
Edmodo digital classroom
A VLE application that enable groups to collaborate, communicates, share and submit classwork. Available anywhere there is the internet.
No paper or files.
No classroom handouts.
Past lessons and future lessons can be viewed anytime.
Helps with revision as all group members can look up information anytime. Needs a reliable internet connection.
Needs a digital device to run it.
Tutorials need to be used initially to be familiar with its features.
Users have to be patient when clicking to allow for loading time. A very helpful and user friendly digital tool that brings together all of the resources that are necessary for a course of study.
When learners have a question, they can initially go to the VLE to find the answer rather than the tutor having to repeat the same point to each individual student.
Students are motivated to learn as they appreciate the technology that the VLE uses.
Sometimes it seems a bit glitchy as it can be unfamiliar to some users but perseverance in finding the buttons such as ‘show more’ is all that is required.
smart phone smartphone
See definition in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Line breaks: smart|phone
Pronunciation: /ˈsmɑːtfəʊn/
Definition of smartphone in English:
A mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer, typically having a touchscreen interface, Internet access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded apps.
http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/smartphoneA mobile phone which is used to access in the internet, take pictures, video record and voice record. calendar and notebook and a wide range of apps can be downloaded. Most young learners have a this device and know how to use it
It is logical to use and requires no specialist skills other than being able to follow your instinct. Some smart phones are very expensive despite having little extra to offer that justifies the huge jump in price. Another disadvantage is that the device itself can be a status symbol for learners rather than being seen by them as a useful tool. The built-in obsolescence can promote competitiveness between learners and can cause them to waste money. Smart phones are easily broken.
Another problem is that they are addictive. Psychology Today reports that
“Nomophobia- fear of being without your smartphone- affects 40% of the population“.
Over dependence results speak for themselves; however the social drive aspect of the anxiety emphasises these devices’ allure are based on socialising issues not a desire to produce work with them. Interestingly, a prediction is,
“As our culture becomes ever more tech savvy and tech hungry, phone-free zones will become more and more common. Think back to the time when cigarettes were not only allowed, but encouraged during air flights.”
https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/reading-between-the-headlines/201307/s...http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-33130567http://www.phonearena.com/news/Did-you-know-the-phobia-of-not-having-a-smar... Mobile phones have now developed into smartphones that are capable of performing multiple tasks on one very mobile device.
Tasks that used to be performed separately include organisers like the file-o-fax of the 1990’s that kept track of appointments, important events, contacts and task lists; the smart phone improves on this paper based tool by being less bulky, requiring less time to maintain and giving alarmed reminders instead of the user having to check frequently.
Furthermore, smartphones are now developing into devices that will soon be capable of everything the traditional personal computer was a revolution for being capable of.
Padlet apps / programmes
A Padlet wall is a digital Post It wall. Padlet can be used as a collaborative teaching/learning tool can be used out in the workplace for WBL students.
You can easily upload U tube videos. Requires internet access
and digital equipment. Good tool easy to access and follow, very easy to set up and save. Can be used to create a collaborative wall on any subject, can also be used to get feedback from learners on a subject or on how their course is going.
Aurasma apps / programmes
Aurasma can be used to embed information into a poster or worksheet as a video or a Powerpoint presentation. Easy to create and easy to get access, can upload videos or PowerPoint as well as google documents.
You can create a bank of resources for future use. Requires a strong wifi connection on smart phone, Android or tablet. Aurasma is an easy tool to use and by embedding a lesson in PowerPoint any students that have missed the session can catch up
Kahoot apps / programmes
Quizmaker app- questions are put up on the whiteboard and learners see coloured options for answers on their screens. Formative assessment, can be used to assess learning has taken place, or for revision. Not suitable in the workplace learning, learners do not see the questions they only have the choice of coloured option for the answers. Requires an interactive whiteboard. Kahoot is a good tool to use in a classroom, easy to use, learners enjoy using this tool.
You do need access to a whiteboard for the learners to be able to see the questions.
Google docs
A range of apps / programmes which is the same as using Microsoft Office. These apps can be shared and worked on collaboratively. Access to documents is online and saved automatically. Access to documents at any time, saved automatically. Files can be uploaded from hard drive. Files and folders can be shared and worked on collaboratively and independently.
No internet access due to location and a poor signal.
Cut and paste cannot be done using the mouse. It is difficult to use at first and takes time to get used to. Easy access if online, wide range of documents, you can change the appearance of each document. Folders can be created to save all documents.