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ABC Book

An ABC book of the American Revoulution



By Amanda Bloom
Photo by Ochinko


  • He lead one of the companies who fired at the Hessians.
  • He signed the Declaration of Independance.

B is for Britain

  • The British didn't want to give America independance.
  • America was Britain's colonies
  • The war was fought against Britain.
Photo by wisegie

C is for Continental Army

  • The Americans were known as the Continental Army.
  • They fought the British and earned Independance.

D is for Deborah Sampson

  • She fought in the Revolution pretending to be a boy.
  • She got discovered because of an injury.
Photo by mlcastle

E is for Experinced Soldiers

  • The British had expirenced soldiers that were known to win.
  • America had unexpirenced soldiers and weren't supposed to win.

F is for Friedrich Von Stueben

  • He is the German officer who helped America have a proper army.
  • The army grew stronger every day.
Photo by Chrisser

G is for Green mountain boys

  • They captured Fort Ticonderoga with their leader Ethan Allen.
  • The Green Mountain Boys also got badly needed Cannons.

H is for Hessians

  • They aided Britain in the war.
  • George Washington held a suprise attack on the Hessians.

I IS FOR Independance

  • The partoits fought for indepandance.
  • Britain wouldn't give them indepandance.

J is for James Armistad

  • He risked his life as a Patriot spying on the Loyalists.
  • After the war he was freed from slavery and praised.

K is for King George iii

  • He was king of Britain and didn't want the colonies to leave him.
  • He ruled the colonies before they won the war.

L is for Liberty

  • America was fighting for liberty
  • Britian wasn't giving America liberty

M is for Mary Ludwig Hays

  • Mary carried buckets of water to the soldiers while they were battling.
  • When her husband fainted she took over and fired the cannons.

N is for Nathan Hale

  • Nathan Hale was a Patroit that spied on the British.
  • He got captured and killed.
Photo by DrPhotoMoto

O IS FOR Overthrow

  • The Americans wanted to overthrow the British government so they could have freedom!
  • Britain tried not to let America overthrow him!

P is for Parliment

  • Parliment made unfair taxes post-war to pay debt
  • The Americans got no voice in parliment which made them mad
Photo by vanderwal

Q is for Quartering Act

  • The Quartering Act was part of the Intolerable Acts.
  • It said you had to house a soldier if they asked.

R IS FOR Revolution

  • The Americans started a revolution.
  • The revolution turned into a war.
Photo by Vail Marston

S IS FOR Saratoga

  • The Battle of Saratoga was fought here.
  • Because of this the British army suffered a great loss.
Photo by peterjr1961

T IS FOR Treaty of paris

  • The Treaty of Paris ended the war.
  • Now America was an idependant country and Britian recognized this.

U IS FOR United States of America

  • The new country was named the United States of America.
  • The United States was and is a democracy which means no king like Britain
Photo by JeepersMedia

V IS FOR Valley Forge

  • Washington and his troops spent a winter at Valley Forge after the Battle of Saratoga
  • The army was short of clothes and food. Some soldiers didn't even have shoes!
Photo by kylewagaman

W is for Winners

  • The Americans won the war and indepandance
  • Now the Americans were free to make their own government.
Photo by Nataraj Metz


  • Washinton and his troops attacked the Hessian's on Christmas which is also known as X-mas.
  • Washington got the Hessians to surrender which is when the tables started to turn.
Photo by Yathárth

Y IS FOR Yorktown

  • During the 6th year of the war the patriots captured Yorktown.
  • Cornwallis surrendered his whole army! The Americans won!
Photo by The U.S. Army

Z IS FOR Zenger, John

  • He was thrown in jail for printing his political opinions
  • He critisized New York's governer.