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ABC book of leadership. : )

Published on Nov 18, 2015

My ABC leadership book


ABC book

Abc book of leadership: by DAnielle Mora

abc leadership

  • Active, we always do anything we need to finish.
  • Be yourself, no one will know the real you.
  • Caring, we care for others.
  • Directing, takes charge of things or activities.
  • Engaged, we are always focused on things we need to accomplish.
Photo by szeke

abc leadership

  • Failure, if we fail, that means another opportunity for us to try again.
  • Generous, give anything we need to help others.
  • Happy, we are always happy to do anything.
  • Influence, we influence people do do anything.
  • Judgement, we never judge people on their work.
Photo by VinothChandar

abc leadership book

  • Kick off, we are ready to do anything to help people.
  • Leaders, we lead anything to help make school a better place.
  • Missions, we all have missions to accomplish.
  • Never negative, we try to stay positive about anyrthing.
  • Out going, we love to go anywhere, especially to help people. 

abc leadership book

  • Patience, we all need patience to be a leader.
  • Quantitative Targets, we all have targets for the future.
  • Reviewing, even leadership people have to review thing over.
  • Storytellers, leadership loves to tell stories.
  • Trust, people can always trust us, but we could sometimes trust them back.
Photo by Luke,Ma

abc leadership book

  • Uncertain, we ca be uncertain sometimes, but certain too.
  • Vision, we need good vision to see things.
  • Work, we leaders try to finish our work for anything we need to accomplish.
  • Xcited, there is no x I can think, it means excited, we are excited to work
  • Years, we train, I guess to be great leaders.

Zero: We try to complete all of our work, so we will have zero work for later.

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Photo by rubenerd