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Abc Book Of Science

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Arionna's Science ABC Book

Photo by Shardayyy

The distance above sea level

Photo by Valentina_A

An instrument that measures air pressure in the atmosphere

Photo by lmnop88a

Compound machine
A machine that is made up of two or more different types of atoms bonded together

Photo by wbaiv

Dew point
The temperature at which air with a given amount of water vapor will reach suture ion

Photo by ¢#!nm@y@

Electric field
An area surrounding a charged object, within which the object can exert an electric force on another object with touching it

Fossil fuels
Fuels formed from the remain of prehistoric organisms that are burned for energy

Photo by Marcus Vegas

The first part of a binomial name that groups together closely related species. The genus Felis includes all species of small cuts.

Threadlike tubes that from the structural parts of the body of fungus

Photo by pennyshima

A line on a weather map connecting places that have the same air pressure

Photo by Elliot Li

Jet stream
A wind that flows in the upper troposphere from west to east over vast distances that great speeds

Kinetic energy
The energy of motion. A moving object has the most kinetic energy at the point where it moves the fastest

Photo by USDAgov

Low-Pressure system
A large and often stormy weather system that occurs when air moves around and into a low-pressure center, then moves up higher altitudes

Photo by gogostevie

A warm- blooded vertebrate animal whose young feed on milk produced by the mother's mammary glands

Unit of measure for force

Photo by Xraijs_

An individual living thing, made up of one or many cells, that is capable of growing and reproducing.

Photo by Travis S.

Tiny Multics grains that contain the undeveloped sperm cells of a plant.

Photo by tanakawho

A wheel with a grooved rim that turns on an axle; one of the six simple machines.

Photo by taratara69

Rain shadow
An area on the downwind side of a mountain that the side that the face the wind.

Photo by rachel a. k.

A plant embryo that is enclosed in a protective coating and has its own source of nutrients.

Photo by danmachold

A group of a similar cells that together perform a specific function in an organism.

Photo by marsmet549

Ultraviolet radiation
Radiation of higher frequencies than visible light, which can cause sunburn and other types of damage.

Photo by Tc Morgan

Going straight up or down from a level surface.

Photo by Ray Devlin

The cause of force to move an object over a distance.

Photo by anieto2k

X axis
Mix ( like the kitten fur is white and black)

Photo by *嘟嘟嘟*

Y axis

Photo by Timm Suess

A striped horse

Photo by Renate Flynn