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ABC Math

Published on May 04, 2016

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ABC Math

 By Steven Umanzor

A is for Addition.

Addition means when you add something.

B is for Budget

Budget means an estimate of a income or expenditure for a period of time

C is for Centimeters

Centimeters means a metric unit length

D is Denominator

Denominator means the amout of pieces

Photo by Leo Reynolds

E is for Equal

Equal means when you add something that is you're answer.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

F is for Fraction

Fraction means cutting a whole number.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

H is for Hexangon

Hexangon means a shape.

G is for Geometry

Geometry means the shape and relative arrangement of the parts of something.

I is Isociles

Isociles means a type of triangle

Photo by Mélisande*

J is for Justify

Justify means to prove

K is For Kilometer

Kilometer means a type of measurement

L is For Length

Length means How long.

M is For Math

Math means something that is educational.

Photo by eriwst

N is Numerator

Numerator means Top number of a Fraction

Photo by mag3737

O is For Octagon

Octagon means a type of a shape

Photo by .aditya.

P is For Perimeter

Perimeter means outside

Q is For Quotient

Quotient means answer

R is For Remainder

Remainder means remain of divde

Photo by duncan

S is For Surface

Surface means if the 3d surface or not

Photo by Dustlake

T is For Term

Term means something intructional

Photo by Leo Reynolds

U is For Undecegan

Undecegan means a shape

V is For Vertex

Vertex means a corner

W is For width

Width means lenght side.

X is For X axis

X axis means a something that use ton get corners.

Y is For Y axis

Y axis means same as X axis .

Z is For Zero

Zero means a number with no number.

About the author

  • I am in 5th Grade at Crippen Elementry
  • My Math teacher is Mrs. Andrade
  • My favorite part of math is playing prodigy
  • The most important thing i learned is divide beacuase it helps my life