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ABC's of SC

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ABC's of SC

By: Connor Lee
Photo by Jeremy Brooks

A is for Agriculture

  • Agriculture has been a huge part of the growth of South Carolina.
Photo by ...-Wink-...

B is for Black Codes

  • Black codes were laws put into place to discriminate against African Americans.

C is for Christopher Gadsden

  • Christopher Gadsden was a very important historical figure in South Carolina as he led the Sons of Liberty.
Photo by Travis S.

D is for Denmark Vesey

  • Denmark Vesey played a very important role in SC history as he organized the largest slave revolt known as the Stono Rebellion .
Photo by mulch.thief

E is for Eutaw Springs

  • The battle of Eutaw springs was the last battle fought in the American Revolution

F is for Fort Sumter

  • Fort Sumter played a key role in the Civil War.
Photo by cmh2315fl

G is for Gullah

  • Gullah was a language spoken by many slaves, it is a mix of English and African dialects.

H is for Hunley

  • The Hunley was one of the first submarines to ever sink a ship, it played a key role in the Civil War
Photo by Travis S.

I is for Industrialization

  • South Carolina became industrialized during the industrial revolution when many factories were being built.
Photo by Werner Kunz

J is for Jim Crow Laws

  • Jim Crow laws were more laws put into place to restrict blacks from doing many things.

K is for Ku Klux Klan

  • The KKK is a very racist that formed to fight the rising of black political power.
Photo by amphalon

L is for Lords Proprietors

  • The lords proprietors helped govern South Carolina when it first came about.
Photo by Stoutcob

M is for Middle Passage

  • The middle passage was the route that slaves from Africa took to get to SC.
Photo by dualdflipflop

N is for New Deal

  • The New Deal was a plan that Franklin Roosevelt had for the country when he took over as president.
Photo by cliff1066™

O is for Orangeburg Massacre

  • The orangeburg massacre was when many protesters were shot and killed and a bowling alley because they were protesting against segregation.
Photo by cliff1066™

P is for prohibition

  • Prohibition was when the use/sale of alcohol became illegal.
Photo by KCTS 9

Q is for Quota

  • Quota is a fixed number of something.

R is for Reconstruction

  • Reconstruction was a time when South Carolina was rebuilding from the revolutionary war.
Photo by fung.leo

S is for Segregation

  • Segregation was when Blacks and Whites were separated.
Photo by Jared Enos

T is for Tourism

  • Tourism is SC's largest industry.
Photo by pedrosimoes7

U is for Union

  • The Union fought against the confederates in the civil war.
Photo by YanniKouts

V is for voting rights act

  • The voting rights act allowed all races to vote.

W is for Whitney, Eli

  • Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.
Photo by ellenm1

X is for XYZ affair

  • The XYZ affair was a confrontation between USA and France which led to a war called the Quasi war
Photo by Darwin Bell

Y is for Yamassee war

  • The Yamassee war was a conflict between the Yamassee tribe and the British.
Photo by Vail Marston

Z is for Zimmerman telegram

  • The Zimmerman telegram was a telegram from Germany to Mexico which was intercepted by America which forced us to enter ww1.
Photo by simononly