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Abc's of the breadwinner

Published on Mar 18, 2016

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A is for Ali
Ali is Parvana's little brother she has to help take care of him because her father was taken away.
(ch 1, pg 7)

B is for Bone's
The girl's dug up bone's for some side cash. Both of their family's need the money. (ch 10, pg117)

C is for Change
Parvana had to become a boy because her dad was taken to a prison. And thry needed food. (ch 12 pg 117)

D is for dad
Parvana's dad was taken from her house she has to become a boy now.

E is for Eid
A eid present for her aunt from Mazare-Shaif (ch 1, pg 22)

F is for Friend
Paravana probably wants to see her friends. After Afganistan was bombed. She couldn't go out side anymore because of the Taliban.

G is for gum
Parvana and Shauzia make enough money for trays to sell gum off of the tray's they saved their money for.(ch 12, pg 119)

H is for Homa
Parvana found Homa in a bombed building. At the time it was dark so they could running to Parvana's house.(ch 14, pg 138)

I is for Inside
Many wifes stayed inside untill Parvana had to go outside to the market. (ch 1, pg 15)

J is Job
Parvana has to get a job to support her family sence her dad was taken away. (ch 1, pg 7)

k is for kabul
Parvan lost her job at kabul.(ch 1, pg 7)

L is for lost
Parvana's family lost everything that they had in the bombings. Now it's only a one bedroom house. (ch 1, pg 12)

M is for Money
Parvana and Shauzia dig up bones for extra money.(ch 10, pg 112) Parvana also had to work in the market because her dad was taken away.

N is for Nooria
Nooria couldnt finish school because the taliban came and took over. (ch 1, pg 7)

O is for ordinary
the book is ordinary because one minute she's a girl next she's dressing like a guy and in the market.(no ch and pg)

P is for Prison
Parvana's dad was taken from their house and went to prison. (ch 3, pg 38)

Q is for quiet
Parvana's family was quite and sad after they came in and took her family.(ch 1, pg 24)

R is for rice
Parvana's family eats alot of rice and drinks alot of tea because thats all they can afford ( ch 3, pg 33)

S is for Shauzia
Shauzia is Parvana's bestfriend who she hasnt seen for awhile but she seen her at the market one day.(ch 9, pg 88)

T is for Taliban
The taliban took over Afganistan where Parvana and her family live at.(ch 1, pg 25)

U is for Unusual
Parvana had to do Lot of thing's she's never done before in the past.( no pg or ch)

V is for Vendors
There are alot of vendors out in the market trying to make money for themselfs and their familys.(no chapter or page)

W is for Writing
Parvana goes to the market to read and write because her dad is in prison. (ch 5, pg 49)

X is for Alexander the Great
Parvana's favorite subject was history and she learned about him and other people and places.

Y is for Maryam
Pavana's little sister that has to stay inside because girls aren't suppose to go out alone.( no chapter or page)

Z is for Shauzia
Shauzia is Pavana's bestfriend they haven't seen eachother in a while because girls can't go out by themselves.(no page or chapter)