A school leader has to be sure that technology is cost effective.- we all have many ideas on what to incorporate, but realistically speaking- we have to have a budget, and as presented in this course, a plan of action when technology goes wrong.
ISTE Administrator Standard - Visionary Leadership
This particular standard speaks to me, and reminds me of the changes that have occurred and still need to happen with educational leaders having a vision for this change.
I feel that this is an important job for an administrator, I feel that careful monitoring and home/school communication is essential to this Standard. This a a topic that needs to be repeated,retrained and refocused for the students.
I feel that learning and the use of digital tools go hand in hand. I plan to offer staff training and opportunities to the staff to continue to drive this point. We will incorporate technology into our building, and take advantage of free apps that are available and sensible to use.