She managed the family farm in Braintree while her husband served in the continental congress, she was also her husbands unofficial advisor and wanted him to stop slavery and push for women's rights
She was born on November 22nd 1744 She died inOctober 28th 1818 She was married to John Adams
"Remember the ladies"
-Abigail Adams
"My bursting heart must find vent in my pen"
-Abigail Adams
Abigail married John adams on oct. 25, 1764 The couple had five children Abigail, John, Susanna, Charles, and Thomas
Abigail Is Known for her wisdom and she wrote many letters to her husband advising him to end slavery and to give women the same rights that men have
Abigail was one of the best educated women of her time, The Adams family was the first family to occupy the White House
Her husband was president from 1787 to 1891 and her son John Quincy Adams was also president from 1825 to 1829