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abiotic: nonliving things in an ecosystem.

Published on Feb 05, 2016

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abiotic: nonliving things in an ecosystem.

Photo by Anna & Michal

biotic: living things in an ecosytem. Foxes are biotic because they are living organisms.

Photo by keeva999

Ecosystem: community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

Population: all of the inhabitants of a particular town area or country. The population in cities are greater than towns or other areas.

Community: a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

Habitat: a natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or their organism. An animlas habitat is like its home.

Niche: the role a species plays in a environment.

Predators: an animals that preys on others. Lions are predators because they eat other animals.

Photo by Etrusia UK

Prey: animals being fed on by other animals. Zebras are prey to lions.

Photo by (Paolo)

symbiosis: interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association. butterflies have a symbiotic relationship with flowers because they get food from them.

Photo by shikeroku

Mutualism: symbiosis that is beneficial to both organisms. Flowers and bees have a mutualistic relationship with bees because they both depend on each other.

Parasitism: a non-natural symbiotic relationship where one benefits at expense of the other. Mosquitos and humans have a parasitic relationship because the mosquito benefits from the human.

Producer: Plants that makes their own food. Grass us a producer because it is a plant and it makes its own food.

Consumer: Organisms that obtain energy by consuming other organisms. Humans obtain evergy by eating.

Photo by oddharmonic

Herbivore: an organisms that eats only plants. Deer are herbivores because they eat only plants.

Photo by blmiers2

Carnivore: an animal that eats other animals. Tigers eat other animals.

Omnivore: are animals that both plants and animals. Bears are omnivores, they eat plants and animals.

Photo by spencer77

Food Chain: shows how eachthing in an environment gets food and how energy is passed. Animals have obtain energy from eating a producer or another animal.

food web: a system of interlocking and independent food chains.a food chain is similar to a spider web because the animals are connected somehow.

Photo by ecstaticist

pyramid: relationships in the food chain, in which various forms of life are shown on different levels.

Photo by trcanje

water cycle: The process by which water circulates between the earth's oceans, atmosphere and land. The water cycle occurs mostly at the ocean.

Photo by VinothChandar

carbon cycle: the cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. carbon is most abundant in the atmosphere.

Photo by DeeAshley

oxygen cycle: the movement of oxygen within its three main reservoirs: the atmosphere(air),the biosphere, and the lithosphere. trees give off oxygen.

Photo by skoeber

Succession: observed process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time. Trees go through the process of succession.

Biome: a large naturally occuring community of flora and fauna. The jungle has a large number of animals and plants.

Photo by rexb

Biosphere: regions of the planet that are occupied by life.Most of earth is occupied by life.

Biomass: total mass of organims in an given environment. liquid biofuels are part of the biomass.

Photo by Chris Nuzzaco