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Abraham Lincoln Presidency

Published on Apr 04, 2018

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Abraham Lincoln Presidency

By: Arianna Pearson

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  • Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of America
  • He wrote the "House Divided speech."
  • An excerpt from that speech is, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

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  • Abraham was one of the only two Presidents to be a Postmaster.
  • He also made the first "Inagural Address" in 1861.
  • An excerpt from this is, "I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”

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  • Abraham was documented as taking part in wrestling bouts.
  • He was a big animal lover, and wouldn’t hunt or fish.
  • He was an unsuccessful vice presidential candidate in 1856 at the Republican convention.

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  • Abraham read the Bible daily, but never joined a church in his lifetime.
  • He didn’t drink, smoke, or chew.
  • He didn't have a middle name, and actually HATED being called "Abe!"


Sources: Google & constitutioncenter.org