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Academic Discussion

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Our high school's "Instructional Rounds" focus is getting our kids to engage in "Academic Discussion." Here is a recap of some of our goals.


Academic Discussion

Mission Oak High School's Problem of Practice

What does it look like?

  • learners are active not passive
  • classroom buzzes with energy
  • students take ownership of learning
  • intellectual curiosity alive
  • kids cannot hide: no ghosts in the classroom
  • teaches the art of COMMUNICATION

What do we talk about?

  • complex text/documentaries
  • equations/experiments
  • art/music critique
  • health/fitness
  • relevance of lesson
  • current events
  • goals and fears
  • A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
Photo by Dan Queiroz


  • are prepared
  • present structures for evaluation
  • let go and take risks
  • explicitly teach assigned roles
  • stay fully engaged throughout
  • are a "guide on the side"


  • are highly engaged
  • are held accountable
  • are using content specific language
  • have clear objectives
  • clearly understand the structure and HOW to participate
  • let go and take risks...


  • involve all students
  • are rich
  • utilize valued language
  • seek precision
  • yearn to solve problems
  • are balanced among stakeholders
  • create new levels of understanding


  • is content specific
  • is respectful
  • allows for disagreement
  • unpacks meaning of content
  • deepens learning
  • is precise and purposeful
Photo by contemplicity

Discussion Structures:

  • Timed pair/share
  • Socratic Seminar
  • Philosophical Chairs
  • Today's Meet/Padlet
  • Round Robin
  • Talking Chips
  • Blogging/Podcasting
  • Structured Debate
  • Round Robin
Photo by dullhunk


  • accountability
  • grading
  • evaluation
  • students hiding
  • students dominating
  • covering content
  • facilitating
  • letting go...
Photo by jseliger2


  • classroom community building
  • student voice=student buy in
  • deepens learning
  • unpacks meaning
  • sense of belonging
  • varies your assessments
  • brings energy to the room
  • students working harder than teacher

Mission Oak HS
accepts the challenge:
Let the Hawks TALK!

Photo by ahisgett