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Published on Dec 18, 2015

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Photo by mikecogh

.... different groups adapting to the beliefs and behaviours of each other
(Berry, 1997)

Schumann (1978)

First to conceptualise acculturation in SLA.


After 10 months Alberto's L2 had pidginised / fossilised.


... the social and psychological integration of the learner with the target language group

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macro level (group)
micro level (individual)
internal level (identity)

Photo by wili_hybrid


Brown (1980) 4 stages of acculturation

- eurphoria, culture shock, gradual recovery, full recovery

Berry (1987) Acculturation attitudes

- integration, assimilation, separation, marginalisation


Milroy (1980) Social Network Theory (SNT)
- analysed learners 1st order and 2nd order contacts

Lybeck (2002) - SNT & AM
- greater social networks led to acculturation and success in L2
- acculturation "two way street" concerning attitudes and behaviours of BOTH groups


Norton Pierce (1995) Identity and Investment

- identity changes over time and location in relation to social context

- investment explains whether a learner chooses to remain silent or not
-Eva ...

Co-worker to Eva:
"How come you don't know him?
Don't you watch TV?
That's Bart Simpson!"


  • Identity is diverse, dynamic
  • Identity as site of struggle: Eva felt 'stupid', stopped using L2
  • Identity as changeable: BUT Eva had to use L2 as mother figure (on phone, with teachers, doctor)
Photo by rosmary

Norton Pierce (1998):

Theories of acculturation in SLA do not pay sufficient attention to inequitable relations of power that exist between L2 and TL speakers.

Despite their investment, L2 learners may have little opportunity to interact with TL speakers to improve the learning.

Implications for the Classroom

Photo by Jinho.Jung

Some suggestions...

  • Develop curricula that address students realities (problem w textbooks)
  • Create dilemmas and topics for discussion that relate to student everyday lives
  • Learn about students' identities (I wish my teacher knew ....)

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Develop curricula that addresses students' realities (problem with textbooks)

Create dilemmas and topics for discussion that relate to students' everyday lives

Learn about students' identities
(If wish my teacher knew ...)