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Acient Rome Affect On The Modern World

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Ancient Rome had amazing art that had many different elements. Ancient Rome had amazing pottery. They made it with clay and materials from pots. They often had beautiful designs on them. The Romans loved there art.


Photo by vidalia_11

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  • Rome art had a major contribution in the modern world
  • The style of roman art has an effect on todays art.
  • They had famous paintings such as a portrait of pompeii
Photo by antmoose

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  • Art was influencial in ancient rome
  • The collesium use to be just be a painting
  • Many other things were influenced roman art
Photo by nosha


Photo by tjuel

Roman architecture is the most famous thing about Ancient Rome. The collesium is the most famous roman architecture ever made. It is one of the tallest buildings in the world and it was built during Ancient Rome.

Photo by virga

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  • Rome had a great impact on modern architecture
  • Alot of the framework of todays buildings come from ancient rome
  • Overall rome had a big impact on modern architecture


Photo by infomatique

The roman philosophy and law system was very interesting. They valued keeping there law system the same

Photo by infomatique

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