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Published on Nov 18, 2015

The Statistics are Alarming. 11% of Children in America were diagnosed with ADHD since 2011. That would be equivilent to the Entire Black population of America. http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html #Iowa #Eugenics #Population Control



It Cost More NOT To Treat the Symptoms
Photo by dullhunk

Is It a Disorder

Yes! Psychiatric Implications Worldwide
Photo by sashafatcat

Can Anything Help?

Yes! Increase Research & Development
Photo by Wonderlane

Cheap, Easy Ways to Help

Living with ADHD in 2015


Can Control Core Symptoms
Photo by Key Foster


Events that Lift ADHD not Bury It
Photo by Werner Kunz

Academic Instruction

Modified Learning Environments
Photo by UTSOA

Behavior Modification

Using Research and Development Funds
Photo by fisserman

Absence of Recognition of ADHD

Why so much Stigma?
Photo by Martin LaBar

Who Gets It?

Rich / Poor / Black / White / Smart
Photo by Werner Kunz


Photo by carnagenyc

School Chaos

It Can Become Intolerable!
Photo by klbeasley

Hard to Pay Attention

Day Dream, Distracted, Unfocused


Need to Be First in Line


Structure, Order and Limit Distractions
Photo by carterse

Hard to Follow Directions

Difficult to Concentrate
Photo by Stéfan


Photo by technovore

Low Tolerance

Feelings of Frustration
Photo by Leonrw

Nutrition Matters

Eat Wholesome
Photo by colemama

What Can You Do?

Like, Comment and Share
Photo by JeepersMedia

Build a Team

Teachers, Coaches, Doctors, Friends
Photo by Keoni Cabral

Great for ADHD

  • Swimming & Diving
  • Martial Arts & Wrestling
  • Fencing & Tennis
  • Horseback Riding
  • Soccer (not Goalie)
Photo by CAUT

Stand up for AdHd

Give a Kid a Chance to Advance