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advanced media arts

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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advanced media arts

Semester 2
Photo by ppfcbs

What is media art?

New media art is a genre that encompasses artworks created with new media technologies, including digital art, computer graphics, computer animation, virtual art, Internet art, interactive art, video games, computer robotics, and art as biotechnology.

Digital art

photoshop, illustrator, drawing apps, etc.  

virtual art

3D rendering, CAD programs 
Photo by RightAsRain

web design

dreamweaver, flash, online progams
Photo by luc legay

video games

Photo by NeoDaVe

video & sound editing

iMovie, Premiere 

computer animation

Photo by tonyboytran

the role of social media

instagram, twitter, vine, facebook, youtube, etc. 

on a piece of paper write the following:

  • Your name and grade
  • What media arts are you interested in? 
  • What programs are you familiar with?
  • Do you have a smartphone? 
  • Do you have an email address? 
Photo by --Filippo--

contact and class info

Photo by vivek jena